Rigid Inflatable Boats Sale

Sales and Prices for New Rigid Inflatable Boats (RIB)

On this page you can choose and buy a boat with rigid floor at a low price and with delivery. Our catalog contains only the best manufacturers and therefore we provide a warranty for all products.

The sale of boats with rigid floor is one of many lines of business for nautical marketplace topRik.com.

Not Sure Which Rigid Floor Boat to Buy?

First you need to decide how many people and what amount of weight you will transport using the boat. Based on this, you can already select the size of the boat; at the same time do not forget about its storage conditions: the dimensions of the product should fit the size of your yacht, garage or transport trailer.

It should be noted that due to the rigid construction these inflatable boats have a significantly higher carrying capacity than conventional inflatable boats of the same length. At the same time, due to the large diameter of the cylinders along the sides, the space on dinghies of small sizes is limited – keep in mind, that the width of the boat is determined by the extreme outer points of the sides. Carefully check all these parameters in the instructions or contact the experts of the marketplace - they will give you comprehensive recommendations.

You should also clearly know for what purposes the boat will be used:

  • for trips in sheltered or coastal waters;
  • for racing competitions;
  • for rescue operations;
  • as a tender on a yacht;
  • for fishing, hunting, diving, etc.

The purpose also defines on what distances and at what speed you will be moving, and therefore - what engine power should be chosen.

Be sure to pay attention to the category that is assigned to the design of the boat in the CE system. Your safety depends on this. Category D boat is not designed for coastal sailing. Such a model simply will not be able to overcome the surf if it is used as a tender on a yacht.

In rigid-hulled inflatable boats, the diameter of the side buoyancy chambers is of great importance. The larger it is, the more stable the boat is against a side wave and the higher the buoyancy margin.

The keel in such models can be made of the same material as the hull or it can be inflatable - the rigid base of the bottom allows this. Both options do an excellent job for their price. But there may be a keelless option, which negatively affects the main seaworthiness characteristics.

It is highly desirable that the boat be equipped with oarlocks and oars with wide blades - this is an additional guarantee of safety, as well as the opportunity to take a leisurely boat trip whenever you want.

Be sure to pay attention to the presence of a transom, the material it’s made of and the complete set of a metal motor frame for the attached engine. The transom should be made of multilayer marine plywood or metal.

Our team will always help you with the choice before buying. Call the contact number or message us using the contact form on the website. topRik experts have extensive experience in practical yachting, we are active yachtsmen and are familiar with all types of yachts and boats, including rigid hull inflatables.

Rigid Floor Boat Features

Rigid inflatable boats (RIB), also called rigid-hulled inflatable boats (RHIB) were originally invented for a highly specialized purpose. They were developed in the UK for the Navy and the water rescue service. This explains the combination of a rigid hull (mainly the bottom) and sides with large diameter buoyancy chambers. Thus, such vessels ended up with all the advantages of usual and inflatable models at the same time.

The RIB bottom can be made of metal or polymeric materials. For inflatable boards, rubberized neoprene or polyester fabric with several layers of PVC is used. As a result of this construction, rigid hull inflatable boats have special features and advantages over the models that served as a basis for such a successful hybrid.

  • Much lighter than boats and dinghies made entirely of wood, metal and plastic.
  • The hull has a significant deadrise compared to inflatable models.
  • The keel is made of rigid material.
  • The low weight of the vessel provides excellent glide and maneuverability.
  • The lightness, deadrise of the hull and the keel ensure the high speed qualities of RIB, since the boat perfectly cuts the wave without porpoising and pitching, reduces shaking and reduces the force of impacts against the water surface.
  • The rigid keel ensures that the dinghy precisely stays on course.
  • Quickly picks up the necessary speed to switch to planing mode.
  • Fast acceleration allows you to use a low power engine and, as a result, save fuel consumption.
  • The rigid floor does not sag, does not have the trampoline effect, which ensures safe and quick boarding and disembarking.
  • A hard, non-springy floor allows you to move freely inside, actively move during fishing, hunting, diving: hooking and retrieving fish, shooting (even with a lot of recoil), diving from the side, etc.
  • Rigid inflatable boat’s boards consist of several independent floating chambers, which, together with a rigid floating hull, provide a significant margin of safety in case of damage to any of the elements or even several of them. The rigid hull itself without inflatable sides is able to keep afloat a certain number of people stated in the instructions for each model. In the event of damage to the hull, floating chambers of large diameter will keep passengers on the surface of the water. The minimum mandatory number of such chambers is three: the bow chamber and one on each side.
  • Inflatable sides of large diameter provide high stability of the vessel even with strong side waves.
  • Hulls of modern models from leading manufacturers are made using fiberglass sandwich. This design is resistant to mechanical stress, sea salt, decay, UV and temperature changes.
  • Due to their low weight and hard bottom, RHIBs are excellent for hunting in reeds or mooring in shallow water. Due to the low draft, they are not afraid of shallows, rapids and snags.
  • Hunting or fishing tackle, diving and spearfishing equipment, and the claws of a hunting dog do not pose a danger to the rigid bottom of such an inflatable boat.
  • Excellent as a tender boat for transporting people and cargo during anchorage or for cruising in coastal waters if rated C in CE system.
  • Inflatable sides act as fenders, so there’s no threat to the crew when mooring to a berth, another ship or your own yacht.

If necessary, a boat enclosure can be equipped on the side, following the example of launch boats, so that water, dust and splashes do not fly into your face.

Reliability and excellent seaworthiness of RIBs is confirmed by the fact that they are used by rescue services and armies of many countries of the world to this day. For private owners, inflatable superboats with a hard bottom and a large saloon 20 m (65 ft) long are currently being produced - these are cabin boats created according to the RIB’s principles.

As you choose the right rigid inflatable boat for yourself at our marketplace, topRik experts can provide recommendations on how to use it, select a favorable payment option and deliver it to the specified location. If necessary, you can order various accessories for it  - just leave a message or give us a call.

TypeRigid inflatable BrandPlastimo
TypeRigid inflatable BrandG.F.N. SRL
TypeRigid inflatable BrandPlastimo
TypeRigid inflatable BrandPlastimo
TypeRigid inflatable BrandPlastimo
TypeRigid inflatable BrandG.F.N. SRL
TypeRigid inflatable BrandG.F.N. SRL
TypeRigid inflatable BrandPlastimo
TypeRigid inflatable BrandG.F.N. SRL
TypeRigid inflatable BrandG.F.N. SRL
TypeRigid inflatable BrandG.F.N. SRL
TypeRigid inflatable BrandG.F.N. SRL
TypeRigid inflatable BrandG.F.N. SRL
TypeRigid inflatable BrandG.F.N. SRL
TypeRigid inflatable BrandG.F.N. SRL
TypeRigid inflatable BrandG.F.N. SRL
TypeRigid inflatable BrandPlastimo
TypeRigid inflatable BrandG.F.N. SRL
TypeRigid inflatable BrandG.F.N. SRL
TypeRigid inflatable BrandG.F.N. SRL
TypeRigid inflatable BrandPlastimo
TypeRigid inflatable BrandG.F.N. SRL
TypeRigid inflatable BrandG.F.N. SRL
TypeRigid inflatable BrandPlastimo
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