Sale of Gangways for Boats/Yachts

Are you looking for a reliable, safe and convenient gangway for your yacht? topRik marketplace has already selected for you in this section the most effective gangways of various designs, made from the most innovative materials in marine shipbuilding. You can buy gangways made of anti-corrosion alloys, marine wood, folding or telescopic in different sizes.

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Why is There a Gangway on a Yacht and How to Choose It

Gangways for yachts are special ladders for boarding and disembarking passengers, as well as loading luggage. They are also called gang boards or gangplanks.

While a yacht is moored in a port, a gangway can experience quite an active impact not only from the flow of people, but also from heavy loads - you should be very careful when choosing a model for your boat to familiarize yourself with the materials from which the gangway is made.

Materials Used for Gangways

It is difficult for shipbuilding to part with proven technologies. This is not surprising - after all, they have stood the test of time and a large number of accidents, which served as an impetus for improving these technologies.

Therefore, in the production of gangways for large ships and pleasure yachts, preference is given to metal and wood. And modern technologies and scientific achievements are constantly improving their quality, creating materials that are successfully used in such an aggressive environment as sea water, ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes and other negative factors of the ocean.

Metals and Alloys

Certain metals and alloys effectively resist corrosion - anodized aluminum and ferrous metals, stainless and galvanized steel. These are the materials that famous manufacturers of equipment and accessories for yachts use for the manufacture of gangways.

These metals are used as the basis for gangways, providing the structure with reliability and without making it heavier. Steel railings and posts prevent those walking along the ladder from falling into the water.

An all-metal gangway can be seen on larger vessels; for a yacht, gangways with marine wood decking are more suitable.

topRik marketplace offers several varieties of such models, in making of which metal alloys, marine plywood or marine wood honeycomb are used.

Marine Wood

When it comes to marine plywood, many thin sections are laid so that the layers are directed perpendicular to each other. This stack is then impregnated with a special resin. Sea wood made in this way does not absorb moisture, does not warp when dry, does not rot, does not mold, and is not suitable for food by wood bugs.

Marine Polymers

Previously, only marine wood was used to produce gangways. With the advent of new technologies, marine polymers also began to be implemented, and were even able to somewhat displace the well-proven anti-corrosion metal alloys and marine wood.

But manufacturers are not yet planning to completely eliminate these materials and fully replace them with plastic. They rightly believe that innovative materials should complement traditional ones. An example of this is one of these models presented in the topRik marketplace. This is a rigid (non-folding) gangway that has a honeycomb inner layer and an outer shell of fiberglass and carbon resin, which provides lightness and strength of the structure, resistance to negative environmental influences. All metal parts of the model are 316L stainless marine steel or anodized aluminum.

You can also consider an inflatable gangway for yachts and boats as an alternative to a metal or wooden rigid structure. Made using airdeck technology, it is lightweight and durable, can be put into action with a pump in minutes, and requires very little storage space.

Polymers and Airdeck Technologies

Inflatable gang board, made using airdeck technology, is rigid enough to support the weight of several adults. The design consists of several chambers, covered with reinforced PVC panels, to reduce the risk of deflection. Hot air welding produces reliable seams.

We can recommend this gang board as an additional one for quick boarding and disembarking, if you don’t want to assemble a folding or telescopic one from metal or wood. But still, the main gangway is preferable to one made with the use of anti-corrosion metals. These are exactly what the topRik marketplace offers in this section.

Types of Gangways for Yachts by Design

When choosing gangways for a yacht, not only the material of manufacture is important. You should be able to choose a design that fits your boat perfectly and that has storage space on the boat.


If the size of the yacht allows you to transport a rigid structure, then you can choose a fixed gangway model. This means that one of its short sides will be strictly attached (usually at the stern of the yacht), and the second side, usually equipped with wheels, will be freely located on the pier, moving along it with the yacht.

Regardless of the size of the yacht, for ease of use and to reduce installation time, non-rigid models are used that can be folded and hidden in a locker.


Such models are usually folded in half thanks to loops on the fold line. You can find storage space for them even on a small yacht. They are easy to install if necessary and easy to remove. For additional reliability, they can be equipped with a stand with handrails. But usually these lightweight structures, which are temporarily attached to the stern using a special pin, are not too long - 2-3 steps - so they can do without railings.


These are more complex systems that can consist of one or more retractable parts, depending on the size of the yacht. As a rule, they are designed in such a way that they can be mounted either on the stern of a sailing or motor yacht, or in a special niche existing for this purpose on a catamaran on either side.

A very convenient design, which, when assembled, hides in a special compartment or hangs from the transom wall in assembled form and does not interfere with transitions, and then quickly unfolds in the parking lot for boarding, disembarking and loading luggage.


Folding models can be automated, and telescopic models are almost all automated. Telescopic ladders with an automatic function ensure that it is pulled out of a storage place, telescoped to the required length, and, if necessary, lifted and finally folded into a locker for storage in a compact form and transportation to the next parking lot.

Such models are equipped with an electronic control unit, a built-in control panel and a remote control application. The skipper can control the automated gangway directly from the PC.

BrandPlastimo ModelFoldable
BrandPlastimo ModelFoldable
BrandFNI ModelANTARES 33
BrandFNI ModelANTARES 30
BrandFNI ModelSPICA 23
BrandFNI ModelSPICA 20
BrandFNI ModelSPICA 23
BrandFNI ModelSPICA 20
BrandFNI ModelANTARES 27
BrandFNI ModelSPICA 27
BrandFNI ModelANTARES 30
BrandPlastimo ModelFixed
BrandFNI ModelANTARES 33
BrandFNI ModelANTARES 27
BrandFNI ModelANTARES 23
BrandFNI ModelSPICA 27