Moqettes rama rigata Grigio

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The price provided is NET-price, meaning shipment and VAT are not included. Additional duties and tax payments might be required. Taxes and delivery costs are calculated after ordering the goods and depend on the type of client and delivery address.

BrandGeneral Plastic Shipping fromItaly

Marine carpet made of polypropylene fiber, suitable for outdoor use. The fabric is draining, as it has the ability to dry quickly and is resistant to salt and humidity. Thanks to these advantages, water does not stagnate on the surface and the coating does not become moldy.
This type of fiber is specially designed for outdoor use as it does not fade when exposed to UV rays and is particularly weather resistant. Ideal for balconies, swimming pools, solariums and terraces.

General Plastic
Additional materials

Datasheet (Moquette-rama.pdf, 472 Kb) [Download]

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