Inflatable Twin Eye Fender diameter 24 cm - Grey

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Two annular eyelets allow you to mount the inflatable fender on board the vessel even in a horizontal direction. You can also freely throw the fenders over the side by attaching them to one eyelet. The location of the eyes on both sides will reliably protect the sides during strong winds. It is enough to fix them in two places so that the fenders do not sway and expose the side.

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BrandG.F.N. SRL Shipping fromItaly Diameter, cm24 TypeCylinder-shaped fender Length, cm70

With a diameter of 24 cm and a length of 70 cm, the inflatable fender provides ideal protection for boats up to 11.5 m in length from damage during mooring, unmooring, docking, passage through a narrow lock chamber. Often, when buying such protection, questions arise: what diameter and length should the bumper be in order to prevent scratches and holes in the boat during maneuvers.

As for the length in the direction of increasing, there are no restrictions. The main thing is that the fender should not float in the water, but should be close to the water surface. The length is directly proportional to the area of contact between the fender and the side. The larger this area, the smaller the force that acts on each point of the side when the boat hits the quay wall.

The required fender diameter is determined by the length of the boat: for every 120 cm of this length, there should be 2.5 cm of fender diameter. Let's check if we made the right choice in this case: 1150 (boat length in cm): 120 x 2.5 = 23.95 cm.

Inflatable fenders are made from a soft polymer alloy that will not deform on impact if the fender diameter is chosen correctly and the inflated pressure is 0.15 bar.

Diameter, cm
Cylinder-shaped fender
Length, cm

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