Inflatable Twin Eye Fender diameter 12 cm - White and Blue

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Small inflatable fender Ø 12 cm with a large margin of safety will provide side protection for boats up to 5.5 meters long. Keep in mind that for every 2.5-3 meters of the side there should be one fender and there should not be less than three overall. So with this length of the boat, you should buy three fenders or double their number if you have to park in a row of boats at the pier, mooring piles or pass through narrow lock chambers. The stylish white inflatable fender is equipped with blue heads with two eyes.

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The price provided is NET-price, meaning shipment and VAT are not included. Additional duties and tax payments might be required. Taxes and delivery costs are calculated after ordering the goods and depend on the type of client and delivery address.

BrandG.F.N. SRL Shipping fromItaly Diameter, cm12 TypeCylinder-shaped fender Length, cm45

Boats up to 5.5 meters long include International 5.5 Metre Class racing sailing yachts, pleasure yachts, fishing boats, and many other floating facilities. All of them maneuver when mooring and setting off, and in the parking lots they are side by side with other ships, as well as at the pier or mooring wall.

This means that they all need onboard protection. Even if the owner is not concerned about the integrity of his own boat, he is obliged to ensure the safety of the neighboring one.

The best choice for this is side-tied or hanging inflatable fenders. Made of high-quality polymer material, correctly selected in diameter and length, they provide:

  • shock absorption effect, which reduces the impact force at each point of contact, since the transoms distribute the impact over the entire area occupied by them, which is why, in addition to the diameter, the length of the fenders is also important;
  • dampening effect, due to which the amplitude of the ship's swaying decreases and, as a result, the force of the next blow does too;
  • reliable protection against collision damage to the sides of own ship and neighboring boats, as well as to the mooring wall.

The white inflatable fender Ø 12 cm can be attached by one or both eyes in strong winds, and in a vertical or horizontal position.

White and blue
Diameter, cm
Cylinder-shaped fender
Length, cm

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