Hybrid Inverter 3.5KVA 3500W

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Enjoy continuous, reliable power whether the grid is available or not. The energy produced by the MPS--V-3.5V inverters is directed and used intelligently for optimum performance. All priorities can be defined by the user: use of batteries, solar or AC source (grid or generator) In self-consumption, the energy produced by your panels fluctuates and does not correspond to consumption.
The MPS--V-3.5V inverter stores part of the solar production in the batteries for later use during the evening or at night. On an isolated site, the MPS--V-3.5V inverter can be connected to a generator to charge the batteries if they are empty and solar production is insufficient.
- public network
- photovoltaic panels
- thermal generator
- batteries
Microprocessor management directs energy according to production, consumption needs and the state of charge of the batteries. It is possible to perform real-time monitoring locally or remotely. The MPS--V-3.5V inverter does not feed power back into the utility grid.
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