Boat Air Conditioners for Sale

Sales marine Air Conditioners for Boat/Yacht

On this page you will find a catalog with prices for new air conditioners for yachts, as well as accessories for them. We offer delivery to any country and city. All marine air conditioners presented in this section are covered by the official manufacturer’s warranty.

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The presence of an air conditioning system on a ship is an important condition for ensuring a comfortable stay for the crew and passengers, as it allows you to clean the air from gases, dust and excess moisture in the room, as well as set a comfortable temperature for people to stay in the saloon, cabins and technical rooms.

In most cases, polluted air is filtered by the ventilation system on ships. However, the creation of a comfortable temperature, humidity, air mobility, as well as its optimal pressure, is guaranteed by an air conditioning system that allows you to more effectively manage these parameters. Thus, installing it eliminates the need to use ventilation systems.

Types Of Yacht Air Conditioners and Their Features

Stationary air conditioning systems for small vessels are usually divided into two types:

  • A system based on air conditioners with direct cooling, in which freon serves as a heat absorber. They are used to cool one or two cabins on a sailing yacht or boat.
  • A system based on the use of an intermediate coolant - cooled fresh water or a mixture of water and antifreeze in a ratio of 1/1 - as a heat absorber. Such a system is also called central.

Air conditioning systems based on direct-cooling air conditioners are also structurally divided into two types: monoblock (autonomous) and separate (split).

Let's look at the different types of yacht air conditioners, their main differences, advantages and recommendations for selection.

Compact or Portable Air Conditioners

Systems based on monoblock air conditioners are reliable and in demand. In a monoblock air conditioner, all the main components of the refrigeration circuit are compactly mounted on a single frame. The air conditioner is charged with refrigerant at the factory and tested for circuit tightness before it leaves the assembly line.

On a boat, a monoblock air conditioner is always installed in the living compartment, usually under a sofa or bunk, in a furniture section or in a locker. This unit is particularly reliable and requires virtually no maintenance. And if you ever need to give it for service, it can be easily dismantled in one unit.

In addition, a monoblock air conditioner is cheaper than all other types and is easier to install, so installing the entire system is both faster and cheaper. This is an ideal solution for serving one room, and even up to three cabins on sailing yachts up to 27-30 feet in length.

Air Conditioners with Built-In Water-Cooling Systems

Technical conditions on yachts and ships have severe restrictions on the use of large amounts of energy and valuable onboard space.

That is why the cooling system on board ships, boats and yachts using specially designed chillers is the optimal air conditioning system for ships larger than 50 feet (15 meters), although they are often used on ships over 40 feet (13 meters) in size.

The ship's chiller system includes:

  • chiller itself;
  • air distributors installed throughout the vessel;
  • fresh water (or antifreeze) pipeline connecting the chiller to the air conditioners;
  • seawater condenser cooling system.

Marine chillers are ideal for cooling medium-sized vessels and large yachts. The chiller operates from a seawater-cooled condenser. Chilled water is distributed to various areas through insulated pipes, releasing cool air through air distributors, quietly and efficiently cooling vessel spaces.

The advantages of this system are efficient cooling even in hot climates, as well as high energy efficiency.

Split Systems for Yachts

Another version of the direct expansion air conditioner is the split type, as reflected in its name, and until recently split systems were the most common type of air conditioning system on yachts. The air conditioner in such a system is divided into two blocks - a compressor-condenser unit and an evaporator unit with a fan (air treatment).

The first is installed in the hold or engine compartment, and the air handling unit is installed in an air-conditioned room, sometimes at a distance of several meters from the compressor-condensing unit. Both blocks are connected to each other by a freon pipeline (route) and a power and control cable. The treatment unit fan forces cooled air through a flexible duct upward to the exhaust grille.

Advantages - effective distribution of cold, the ability to simultaneously cool several rooms, quieter operation compared to compact models.

Therefore, split-system air conditioning is ideal for large yachts where comfortable temperatures are required in several zones.

Centralized Systems

According to the place where humid air is processed, there are:

  • Centralized systems that process air masses in the main general air conditioning unit and then distribute it to the conditioned spaces.
  • Local systems that process the air masses of a specific room. However, they consume heat or cold from one control device.
  • Autonomous systems that process the air masses of one or several cabins, while having their own refrigeration unit, which is a source of cold or heat.

Centralized systems provide a complete air conditioning solution throughout the yacht.

The advantages of such a system are high efficiency and the ability to integrate with other systems (for example, a ventilation system).

Centralized air conditioning systems are ideal for very large yachts or ships where a comprehensive climate solution is required: air conditioning, heating, ventilation.

How to Choose an Air Conditioner for a Yacht

Choosing an air conditioner for a yacht is a responsible task. With the right choice, you will be comfortable in any weather, and the boat will retain its value and last longer. Let's discuss the key points and criteria for choosing an air conditioner.

The air conditioning system for the premises of a yacht or boat is selected taking into account their size and purpose. For small domestic cabins with a high probability of unpleasant odors and air pollution, exhaust ventilation would be most suitable. The blowing (supply) system is usually used for residential and office premises. In larger cabins, a combined air conditioning system is installed. It is worth understanding that the more cabins there are on a yacht or boat, the more powerful the air conditioning system should be.

Fundamental parameters such as the size and power of the air conditioner should be selected in accordance with the dimensions and configuration of the yacht.

Determine the total volume of air inside the yacht that needs to be cooled. Consider the layout: yachts with multiple cabins or spaces may require a multi-unit system.


It is very important to correctly calculate the power of the air conditioner. This depends on the size of the room that needs air conditioning, the climatic conditions of the region of operation and the level of insulation of the yacht.

Over-powered air conditioners will use more energy and run intermittently, which can lead to wear and tear.

Type of Air Conditioner

Split systems are ideal for larger yachts and provide efficient cooling in different areas.

Portable air conditioners are suitable for small boats or yachts and situations where a specific area needs to be cooled quickly.

Centralized systems are designed for large yachts where a complete air conditioning solution is required.

Energy Efficiency

Choose a model with a high energy efficiency ratio (EER or SEER). This will help you save on energy consumption.

Noise Level

On a yacht where space is limited, noise levels become a critical factor. Pay attention to the noise level the device produces when operating.

Features and Capabilities

Many modern air conditioners have additional functions, such as humidity deficiency, air filtration or remote control.

Operating Conditions

If you plan to swim in salt water, choose a model that is corrosion resistant.


The most expensive models are not always the best choice. Evaluate the price/quality ratio offered by various manufacturers.

Technical Support and Warranty

Make sure that the manufacturer has a representative office or service centers in the region where you plan to use the yacht.

Now, knowing how to choose an air conditioner for a boat, you can take into account all the listed factors to ensure maximum comfort and reliable operation of this vital climate equipment on a yacht.

Benefits of Climate Control

The air conditioning system releases excess heat and moisture from the cabins in the summer, and also increases the air temperature and removes accumulated moisture in the winter. This makes it possible to avoid the use of additional heating systems on the ship and ensures comfort on board in any weather, regardless of the geographical area of navigation.

A properly selected system provides the ability to control the climate in the cabins, saloon and even technical compartments of the yacht.

In addition to equipment for improving the air on a yacht, in order to increase the comfort of the crew, a technical air conditioning system can also be installed on ships, which maintains the optimal air temperature for instruments and cargo. This allows you to significantly reduce the risks of hazardous situations associated with the operation of the equipment, eliminating the possibility of damage to the transported cargo, as well as the hull of the ship.


How do marine air conditioners differ from conventional air conditioners?

A modern air conditioner for ships must take into account the peculiarities of operation in confined spaces. It is important to ensure that the refrigerant is distributed through the pipes as compactly as possible. A marine air conditioner must have high corrosion resistance and compact dimensions.

An effective marine air conditioner should be as quiet as possible. At the same time, a high-quality marine air conditioner must function normally even in conditions of strong pitching and constant vibration while driving. One of the main features of such air conditioners compared to their household counterparts is that they can operate over a wide temperature range. This is due to the fact that ships often travel long distances during a voyage, crossing different climatic zones.

Marine air conditioners are traditionally characterized by high reliability, ease of maintenance and installation. This allows you to effectively control the air conditioning system in all weather conditions.

What power air conditioner do I need for my yacht/boat?

Air conditioners do not “make cold”. They pump heat out of rooms. Therefore, they are characterized not by electrical power, but by thermal power, i.e., the amount of heat that the air conditioner is able to “remove” from the cooled air in one hour. This is cooling capacity . It is expressed in kilowatts (kW), kilocalories per hour (kcal/h), or British thermal units per hour (BTU/h). For reference: 1 kW = 860 kcal/h = 3413 BTU/h.

It is clear that the air conditioner with insufficient power (cooling capacity) is just a waste of money. But a large supply of it is also useless: the super-powerful unit does nothing but quickly cool the air in the room and immediately turns off, while the humidity remains high. Approximate cooling capacity of air conditioning required for a small modern (insulated) boat in a temperate climate zone are as follows:

  • boat length 7-8 m – 5000 BTU/h;
  • boat length 8-9 m – 7000 BTU/h;
  • boat length 9-10 m – 9000 BTU/h.

In case of a particularly hot summer or for guests on board, you need to add 10-15%; for the tropical zone, add another twenty percent.

It is better to entrust a more accurate calculation of cooling capacity to a professional.

How will air conditioning affect energy consumption on a yacht?

When choosing an air conditioning system, be aware that the yacht's energy consumption will increase. This growth will be directly proportional to the volume of premises whose air is supposed to be conditioned.

It was already recommended above to entrust the calculations of the system’s cooling capacity to specialists, but the yacht owner must know the general principles of such calculations. The system should not be designed for maximum thermal loads, otherwise your system will be too expensive, noisy and uncomfortable. This also applies to taking into account the maximum outside air temperatures (which can occur only two or three days a year) and the maximum seawater temperature. And in this case, you need to take into account the time factor of the heat load during the day.

By the concept of “temporary” it should be understood that the cabins of the “night” living area and the cabins of the “day” zone should not be air-conditioned at the same time. For small boats this is usually not required. The calculation takes into account the maximum heat load for each zone. The maximum load for the daytime habitat is when the sun is at its zenith, everyone is sitting at the dining table, and the cook is preparing lunch. For cabins, peak load occurs in the early evening hours, when the heat of the day is still felt and there are two people in the cabin.

Having considered this situation, you must make a choice: do you need to condition the night habitat at the same time as the daytime one? If so, then the total heat load will be the sum of the loads of the day and night habitats. Accordingly, the cooling capacity of the system must be greater, and the energy consumption for its operation will also be greater.

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