Inflatable Twin Eye Fender diameter 15.5 cm - Black

List price: 19.83  -20%
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For boats up to 7.5 m long, the inflatable fender with a diameter of 15.5 cm and a length of 58 cm is ideal. Two reinforced eyes allow you to tie the fender more securely in both vertical and horizontal directions. After you buy the required number of fenders, the sides of your boat will be protected from damage during mooring, passage through the lock chamber or during anchorage near the pier. The material used is a polymer alloy, which provides excellent shock-absorbing and damping effects.

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BrandG.F.N. SRL Shipping fromItaly Diameter, cm15 TypeCylinder-shaped fender Length, cm58

In some cases, you may need a double batch of fenders - for both the port and starboard. For example, when docking at a pier or next to mooring poles in a row of yachts. In this case, the fenders will save not only your boat, but also the sides of neighboring ones from damage.

When passing through narrow locks, usually old ones, you also risk getting scratches on both sides, so do not try to save on fenders - this buy will cost less than repairing the ship.

But extra cargo on the boat is not desirable, so calculate the amount of protection you need specifically for your boat. First, decide on the diameter: for every 120 cm of the side there should be 2.5 fender diameters. In our case, the calculation should be made as follows: 750 cm (boat length): 120 cm x 2.5 = 15.6 cm. Few millimeters difference can be ignored, since these fenders have enough length.

Length parameter is also very important. The larger the surface of the fender, which, upon impact, gets into contact with the quay wall or other surface, the greater the area of impact force.

But overdoing it with the length of the damper is not desirable. They can hang down to the very water, touching it, but should not float.

Diameter, cm
Cylinder-shaped fender
Length, cm

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