Inflatable Twin Eye Fender diameter 12 cm - Grey

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Fenders are used on almost any ship from huge industrial ships to small motor boats - they serve as a protective buffer between the side of the ship and the walls of the berths so that the inertia of the course or waves at sea does not lead to a collision with the pier. Such devices of various types absorb shock and protect against friction.

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BrandG.F.N. SRL Shipping fromItaly Diameter, cm12 TypeCylinder-shaped fender Length, cm45

Apart from protection against berthing collisions, boat owners buy fenders to use them as bumpers between two vessels when docking or mooring together - they are placed at points of potential contact and thus guarantee the safety of the side coating.
The product is made of polymers by the Gibellato Forniture Nautiche company using one-piece seamless casting method, which ensures:

  • resistance to abrasion and deformation;
  • uniform wall thickness;
  • long-term use;
  • weather resistance.

Before usage, the device must be filled with air using an electric compressor or a car pump to create the necessary pressure, but do not fill completely and do not pump too much. After that, they are tied by the eyes and hung along the length of the side or around the entire perimeter of the hull. They can be mounted both vertically and horizontally depending on the situation. Fenders are placed in such a way that the end of the fender barely touches the water, but does not float in the water.

After leaving, undocking or passing through a dangerous area, they usually are brought back on board where they can be stored in special racks or in deflated state.

Diameter, cm
Cylinder-shaped fender
Length, cm

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