Inflatable Fender with Single Eye - diameter 21 cm - White

List price: 29.18  -20%
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Cylinder-shaped fenders are available on our website in a variety of sizes, colors and manufacturing methods. This model is the inflatable fender with single eye, white colored - it is made using a single-piece casting process, which eliminates seam or joint breaks. To reliably protect the sides of the boat from damage during mooring, parking or locking, we recommend to buy a whole batch of fenders and use them in combination.

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BrandG.F.N. SRL Shipping fromItaly Diameter, cm21 TypeCylinder-shaped fender Length, cm62

Cylinder-shaped fenders are a classic option for protecting the sides of any vessel from scratches and more serious damage when mooring to a pier. Long stays at the pier or in close proximity to other yachts also require protection of the sides from scratches. Some old berths can also pose a danger to boat sides even with an experienced crew.

If you are going on a trip where you have to lock or stay for a long time in a row of other boats, with neighbors on the sides, there is only one solution - to provide the required quantity of fenders at the rate of one unit per 2.5-3 meters of the vessel's length.

The offered cylinder-shaped fenders have the following parameters: length - 62 cm, diameter - 21 cm, weight - 1.8 kg. They are made of polymer material, which is ideal for use in marine navigation. Polyvinyl chloride is shock-resistant, is not afraid of sea salt and ultraviolet radiation, does not deform, does not change color and has a long service life.

Depending on the design of your boat, at our marketplace you can buy side inflatable fenders with a single eye in a color that matches the style of your boat. The indicated price does not include fixing cables.

Diameter, cm
Cylinder-shaped fender
Length, cm

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