F5 Series Polyform Twin Eye Fender - diameter 30 cm - White and Blue

List price: 172.49  -20%
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Mooring fender of inflatable type, cylindrical shape. With walls of increased thickness, reinforced heads and additionally reinforced eyes. Polyform U.S. original also supplied the product with a reliable waterproof valve for inflation and made a fender using two types of polymers.

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BrandPolyform U.S. Shipping fromItaly Diameter, cm30 TypeCylinder-shaped fender SeriesF5

Polyform U.S. technology has made it possible to provide:

  • impact-resistant upper part that bears the main load;
  • more flexible and elastic shell for cushioning;
  • uniform thickness of the chamber walls;
  • fast inflation;
  • reliable sealing and stable pressure.

Thanks to this, they can be used in more severe weather conditions, on long trips, in conditions of heavy and intense loads. The material is resistant to temperature extremes, salt water, does not wear out or fade, is resistant to deformation and does not require special maintenance.

Amateurs, private boat owners and professionals buy fenders to protect their boats from damage while mooring and during anchorage. Tides, strong waves, inertia of the movement lead to possible crash into the wall of the pier or other vessel when mooring, so most captains buy a set of protective shock absorbers. Also, staying anchored at the berths leads to constant friction due to rolling, and the fenders protect the side surface from abrasive wear.

Mounted dampers hang outside the hull every two or three meters along the length of the side and thus all the load is taken by the bumper. The length is usually selected so that the device covers about two-thirds of the side height.

White and blue
Diameter, cm
Height, cm
Polyform U.S.
Cylinder-shaped fender

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