Starting from January 18, 2024, the General Directorate for the Sea of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (MIT) has provided important clarifications regarding rescue means and safety equipment for pleasure craft, following the reform of the Implementation Regulation of the Recreational Boating Code. These clarifications address questions raised by Confindustria Nautica and aim to enhance safety at sea for all boaters.
Documentation on Rescue Means and Safety Equipment
As of January 18, 2024, the manufacturer of rescue means is required to provide documentation with recommendations for correct use, either by stamping them on the product or making them available online or in hard copy. For products manufactured or assembled before that date, boaters must access the recommendations through the company's websites or request them in hard copy. Additionally, if the equipment has expired or is no longer suitable, the boater is obligated to replace it.
Marking of Rescue Means
Rescue means and safety equipment must be marked with the registration number of the pleasure craft, a provision that applies exclusively to registered vessels. However, even non-registered boats may choose to permanently mark their devices to facilitate identification in case of need.
Regulations on Life Rafts and Inflatable Boats
Vessels navigating beyond 12 nautical miles from the coast must be equipped with an oceanic life raft or a coastal life raft, which can be replaced by a coastal life raft equipped with electronic devices such as GPS and EPIRB, or a satellite phone to send distress messages. For navigation within 12 miles from the coast, an inflatable boat can replace the life raft, provided it meets specific requirements, such as a minimum length of 2.5 meters and sufficient capacity for all persons on board. Additionally, boats must be kept in good condition and equipped with necessary emergency provisions.
Replacement of Minimum Emergency Equipment
Minimum emergency equipment, such as water and electric batteries, must be replaced at the manufacturer's specified intervals to ensure their proper functioning when needed.
The new provisions aim to enhance safety at sea, ensuring that rescue equipment is always adequate, easily identifiable, and in good condition. The collaboration between Confindustria Nautica and the MIT has led to timely clarifications, giving boaters the opportunity to comply with the new regulations ahead of the summer season.
These updates are a significant step towards safer and more responsible boating, and every boater is called upon to adhere to the new rules to enjoy the sea with peace of mind.