Humidity Sensor YDHS-01R with SeaTalk NG Connector

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The sensor is designed to seamlessly integrate with chart plotters and instrumental displays, offering precise measurements of humidity, air temperature, and calculated dew point temperature. This plug-and-play device requires a straightforward connection to a NMEA 2000 backbone, providing instant readings across all chart plotters and instruments on board.
This versatile product serves various purposes, including weather monitoring, fog prediction, mold prevention through monitoring water intake or moisture condensation in lockers, and remote monitoring of living quarters. From the helm, users gain real-time insights into the comfort level within the cabin.
Featuring a high-quality sensor, the device ensures remarkable accuracy, with ±2% RH for humidity and ±0.3 °C for air temperature across most of its operating range. Operating within the range of 0-100% RH and -40..120 °C (-40..248 °F), it reliably delivers valuable environmental data for enhanced onboard comfort and safety.
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