Solar Panel TX-42052+ 12V 240 Wp

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The extension for existing TX solar systems
The TX + panels are identical to the normal TX modules except for the expansion socket.
If a TX panel is already installed and the system is to be expanded, then the new TX + panel is fixed instead of the previous one and the "old" TX module is plugged into the expansion socket.
The expansion socket is already mounted on the panel. In the panels accessory pack we enclose the matching plug.
ATTENTION: Before plugging in for the first time, check the polarity of the plugs and sockets! The blue negative lead is screwed to the pin with the grounding symbol and the red plus lead is screwed to pin 1.
The cables and the plug-in system are designed for up to 16A. Examples:
one TX 22052 and one TX + 22052 with 6A each
or e.g. TX 12052 and 4 continue TX + 12052
or e.g. TX 12052 with TX + 22052 and TX + 12052.
It is important that the 16 A is not exceeded.
You may be wondering why not all modules are shipped directly with expansion connectors. Each plug and socket is a source of corrosion hazards, especially seawater. It is very important to make sure that the TX + modules always have the waterproof cover or a plug screwed onto the socket.
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