CUIRNET Vinyl Cleaner - 100ml

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Concentrated cleaner for vinyl coating, versatile in applications

Neutral scent, environmentally friendly, excludes ammonia and phosphates

Ensures trace-free finish, suitable for periodic and daily maintenance

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BrandGeneral Plastic Shipping fromCroatia
Capacity, ml
General Plastic
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Concentrated cleaner specifically designed for vinyl coating. This transparent and odorless liquid features a neutral scent, making it versatile for both concentrated and diluted applications with water. Ideal for both periodic and daily maintenance routines, this cleaner, when applied correctly, ensures a trace-free finish. Its environmentally friendly composition excludes ammonia and phosphates.

Usage Instructions:

Daily Cleaning:Mix 500 ml of CUIRNET cleaner with 5 liters of warm water. Apply the solution onto the target surface using a sponge, ensuring thorough coverage. Rinse and dry the surface adequately.

Cleaning Heavily Soiled Surfaces:Apply Cuirnet undiluted on the soiled surface using a cloth or sponge. To prevent residue, it is recommended to wipe the surface completely with a sponge or an absorbent cloth. Rinse the surface thoroughly after cleaning.

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