EV-200 Hydraulic Autopilot

List price: 2,807.30  -13%
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Comprehensive Autopilot Solution for Powerboats with Hydraulic Steering

Raymarine Hydro-Balance™ Technology for Precise Course-Keeping

EV-1 Sensor Core with Accurate 9-Axis Heading Monitoring

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BrandRaymarine Shipping fromItaly Display size, inch3.5

The EV-200 Power Pilot is a comprehensive autopilot solution specifically designed for powerboats equipped with hydraulic steering systems. It is suitable for both outboard and inboard powered boats, offering precise autopilot control through the utilization of the intelligent EV-1 sensor core and the ACU-200 actuator control unit.

The complete system package contains a Type 1 hydraulic autopilot pump, which is compatible with hydraulic steering cylinders of different sizes, ranging from 80cc to 230cc (4.9 in3–14in3). The EV-200 Power Pilot systems consist of several components: the p70Rs autopilot control head, ACU-200 actuator control unit, EV-1 heading sensor, and a 12 Volt Type 1 hydraulic pump.

If you already own a Raymarine autopilot with a Type 1 hydraulic drive, you have the option to upgrade to Evolution technology by using the Evolution Power Pilot kit. This upgrade does not require you to include the Type 1 drive again.

The system prides itself on having a simple installation procedure that doesn't require complicated settings or the calibration of autopilot. It includes the EV-1 sensor core, a smart 9-axis heading sensor that employs aerospace guidance technology to adjust and improve based on variations in ocean conditions and how the vessel operates.

An exclusive feature of the EV-200 autopilot is the Raymarine Hydro-Balance™ technology, which compensates for elasticity in hydraulic steering systems and automatically adjusts to prevent steering oscillation. As a result, it ensures precise course-keeping and eliminates drive-unit hunting, providing fuel savings and faster arrival at the destination.

The EV-1 Sensor Core is noteworthy for its impressive features. Encased in a robust enclosure, it meets the IPX6 and IPX7 waterproofing and submersion standards. It can be mounted above or below decks and provides accurate monitoring of vessel motion in three dimensions: heading, pitch, roll, and yaw. With its solid-state sensor technology, it delivers dynamic accuracy within 2° under any conditions. Additionally, it includes auto-compensation for onboard magnetic fields, guaranteeing reliable heading accuracy even in extreme northern and southern regions. It offers fast and reliable heading data for various applications, such as MARPA, radar overlay, and heading modes on Raymarine multifunction displays. The SeaTalk ng connectivity facilitates seamless integration with the control head and ACU, simplifying the overall setup.

The p70Rs Control Head is specifically designed for powerboats and features a combination of rotary dial and push-button controls. The new LightHouse user interface ensures ease of learning and use, while the start-up wizard helps configure the pilot quickly. The control head provides wide 160° horizontal and vertical viewing angles, and its advanced LED backlighting consumes low power while delivering vibrant color and contrast. It is equipped with an anti-reflective coating for improved visibility in bright sunlight and supports simple system and group dimming/illumination. The available autopilot modes are Auto, Standby, Pattern, Track, Wind Vane, Power Steer, and Jog Steer. It also offers support for multiple data sources and features SeaTalk ng/NMEA 2000 and SeaTalk 1 connectivity, eliminating the need for bridging.

The ACU-200 (Actuator Control Unit) is a vital component for Evolution autopilot systems. It houses the main power and drive electronics and is directly connected to the vessel's steering system and 12-volt DC electrical source. When combined with an EV-1 sensor, autopilot control head, and Type 1 hydraulic, mechanical linear, or mechanical rotary drive, it forms a complete autopilot system.

The Type 1 Hydraulic Reversing Pump is designed for boats already equipped with hydraulic steering systems. Specifically, it is compatible with hydraulic steering capacities ranging from 80cc to 230cc (4.9 - 14.0in3). This pump integrates seamlessly with Raymarine SmartPilot autopilot systems, ensuring precise course-keeping and keeping the vessel on the correct heading.

The package consists of the following components:

- EV-1 Sensor Core (E70096)
- p70Rs Autopilot Control Head (E70329)
- ACU-200 Actuator Control Unit (E70099)
- 1 ltr Hydraulic Pump (12V) (M81120)
- Evolution Cable Kit (R70160)
- Rotary Rudder Reference Transducer (M81105)

SeaTalk NG
Voltage, V DC
Operating temperature
-20°C to +55°C
Main features
Display size, inch
Operating mode
Technical data
Resolution, mm
320 x 240 QVGA
Brightness, nits
Dimensions in packaging
Weight, kg
Height, mm
Width, mm
Length, mm
Volume, cm3
Unit type
Additional Information
Additional materials

Brochure (Evolution_Adaptive_Autopilot_Systems_Brochure.pdf, 2,942 Kb) [Download]

Installation Instructions (p70s___p70Rs_Installation_instructions.pdf, 3,835 Kb) [Download]

Installation Instructions (Evolution_Autopilot_Installation_instructions.pdf, 3,772 Kb) [Download]

Installation Instructions (Hydraulic_Pump_Installation_Guide.pdf, 658 Kb) [Download]

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