Yacht Stern Lights for Sale

Sale of Stern Lights fot Boat

This section of the topRik marketplace presents a catalog with prices for navigation stern lights from the world's best manufacturers of marine light signaling and lighting for boats – Hella Marine, Navisafe, Aqua Signal, Plastimo etc. The range allows you to select models for yachts of different sizes and configurations, with protection from water and power surges.

If you find it difficult to choose lights for yachts on your own, experienced sailors – topRik experts – will give you a professional free consultation right now. Contact them through the feedback form on the website or by phone; you can also send your questions to our email address [email protected].

The use of navigation lights on ships is regulated by the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (hereinafter referred to as COLREG-72 or the Rules), as well as the Rules for the Navigation of Vessels on Inland Waterways, which are compiled for each region. Among seafarers, these regulatory rules are called "sea" and "river" rules respectively. They are almost identical, including in terms of dividing ships into categories depending on their length. They also provide an alternative between the recommended (“maximum”) and mandatory (“minimum”) schemes for equipping a vessel with signal lights, providing some freedom of choice.

According to COLREG-72, navigation lights must be displayed from sunrise to sunset, as well as during daylight hours in conditions of limited visibility. According to the requirements of both Rules, a power-driven vessel underway must carry a forward masthead light, a second masthead light located behind and above the forward one, stern lights and side lights.

Sale of Stern Lights fot Boat

That is, stern lights are part of the navigation equipment, and their presence on the vessel is mandatory, and the quantity depends on the size of the yacht. Exceptions include only boats less than 12 meters in length, on which one all-round light is allowed instead of separate masthead and stern lights.

Purpose and Advantages of Stern Lights

It should be noted that COLREG-72 has tightened the requirements for ships and their equipment in order to ensure maximum safety on the water for all participants, paying special attention to lighting signals for boats of various sizes and types. The Rules define not only the color of navigation lights, but also their location, including in relation to other types of lighting, as well as the relationship between their inclusion and the location, condition and type of activity of the vessel.

Stern lights are always white and are located, accordingly, at the stern. They illuminate the sector behind the ship at 135° (12 points, 6 points on both sides of the centerline of the ship, i.e., at an angle of 67.5° in each direction from the centerline of the ship). The visibility range is at least two miles. They must be positioned so that when the vessel is maneuvering, either the masthead or stern lights are always visible, but never shine at the same time.

The lack of clarity in the position of the stern light is due to the fact that on many vessels, such as tugs, lighter carriers and some fishing vessels, it is not possible to mount the stern light directly below the sternpost.

This light may be carried away from the stern of the vessel and installed where practicable, but as close to the stern and centerline as possible.

The advantages of navigation lights can hardly be overestimated - they perform the same role as light signaling in transport, including automobile, railway and air, and even more. Properly installed ship lights enable oncoming vessels to identify:

  • the location of your yacht;
  • not only the dimensions, but also the angle of your boat;
  • vessel category;
  • condition of the boat - underway, moored, parked, towed, aground, etc.;
  • course and speed.

All this allows you to avoid a collision, save human lives and save financial investments. Stern lights play a critical role in this system, and manufacturers are striving to improve their visibility at sea using the latest technology. The topRik marketplace offers innovative models of various types, including those without lamps, which allows the yacht owner to select them in accordance with the dimensions of the vessel and its operating conditions.

Types of Stern Lights

Strict classification of stern lights by design or other parameters does not exist. Rather, we can talk about classification according to the lamps that are used for these navigation lights, because many models are supplied without the lamps themselves.

Unlike the choice of lamps for household lighting, where you can be guided by medical recommendations, the choice of navigation lights is determined by the COLREG-72 requirements for their visibility. Compared with the previous version of the Rules, modern requirements introduced in 1972 have increased the minimum visibility range of lights on ships over 50 m in length by 1 mile for each of the lights prescribed in these Rules.

According to these Rules, the masthead lights must have a visibility range of at least 6 miles, and the remaining ship's navigation lights must have a visibility range of at least 3 miles. The increase in the visibility range of the lights was made taking into account the ever-increasing speeds of ships at sea.

On ships with a length of 12 to 50 m, the visibility range of the masthead light must be at least 5 miles, and the side, stern and all-round lights must be at least 2 miles. Why do we provide data for all types of navigation lights? Because, if you remember, at the beginning of the text it was mentioned when the masthead or all-round lights can be used without the stern.

In addition to changing the minimum visibility range of navigation lights, the latest version of the Rules standardizes the intensity of their light necessary to ensure reliable detection of a vessel. In this case, the atmospheric transparency coefficient is assumed to be 0.8, which corresponds to meteorological visibility equal to approximately 13 nautical miles. Previously, in many countries the atmospheric transparency coefficient was considered equal to 0.9.

In connection with these changes, the following relationship can be drawn between the dimensions of the vessel and the visibility of the stern lights:

  • vessels 50 meters or more in length: visibility of stern light - 3 miles;
  • vessels with a length of 12 meters or more, but less than 50 meters: visibility of the stern light - 2 miles;
  • vessels less than 12 meters in length: stern light visibility 2 miles.

Incandescent Stern Lights

For installation of stern light inside the case of an incandescent lamp is quite suitable. Such lamps of appropriate power can provide visibility of 2 miles. But even from using them in everyday life, we know that this type of lamp is not as reliable as more innovative options - LED and halogen. In addition, the incandescent lamp is not energy efficient enough, which is of great importance on a ship, especially in conditions of long-term autonomous navigation. They consume about 10 times more electricity than modern LEDs - all over the world their production and use is being limited, and various bans are being introduced. Undoubtedly, the low price of incandescent lamps speaks in favor of this technology.

Halogen Lights for Yachts

Halogen lamps are the same incandescent lamps, but in a flask (no longer glass, but quartz) there is no vacuum, just neutral gases under pressure, with the addition of a mixture of different halogens - fluorine, chlorine, bromine vapor, iodine. Such lamps last 2-4 times longer, and the spiral in them can heat up to high temperatures, which doubles the light output, up to 13-25 lm/W. They are powerful and bright; in addition to navigation lights, they are often installed in spotlights, car headlights, etc.

The inventors of halogen lamps were almost magicians. They ensured that tungsten evaporating from the filament (the main cause of burnout of incandescent lamps), which usually settles on the colder walls of the bulb, is picked up by halogens and transferred back to the spiral, extending its service life.

The light of a halogen lamp is whiter than that of a conventional incandescent lamp (color temperature 3200 K), even contains a little ultraviolet, is comfortable, close to sunlight, with excellent color rendering.

Halogen lamps are a step forward compared to conventional incandescent lamps. They are relatively inexpensive and widely used in a variety of fields.

LED Stern Lights

A rarity even some 20 years ago, now LED lamps are, one might say, everywhere. A few years ago, there was a turning point in the market situation - LED light bulbs became cheaper than compact fluorescent lamps.

What are the benefits of LED lamps:

  • significant service life, up to 100 thousand hours according to manufacturers’ requests;
  • high luminous efficiency, 80-150 lm/W;
  • any colors and color temperatures;
  • there is no glass bulb that could break;
  • operate stably over a wide range of network voltages.

The main disadvantage is the relatively high price.

The topRik marketplace offers stern lights without a lamp, with incandescent lamps, LEDs and halogen models. This allows you to select the ideal stern lights for vessels of various sizes, configurations and types of operation.


What are navigation stern lights?

Stern lights are a component of navigation lights that are mounted on the stern and should provide visibility of 2-3 miles on various types of vessels. They are used to prevent ship collisions at night or in conditions of poor visibility during the day.

Can LED stern lights be used instead of halogen ones?

All types of lamps are suitable for stern lights, which can provide a white glow and sufficient visibility of 2 to 3 miles. LED stern lights can be successfully used instead of halogen ones - despite their higher price, they have a longer service life.

Are there any color requirements for navigation stern lights?

Requirements for various parameters of navigation lights are set out in the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. The latest edition from 1972 is valid today. Like all types of ship navigation lights, stern lights must meet a number of requirements. One of the main ones is the color of the fire. For stern models it is exclusively white.

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