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Voltage, current, or time remaining? PICO has all the answers.
The Pico battery monitor displays all data about your batteries’ voltage, state of charge, remaining ampere hours, time to charge or discharge, and even temperature.
You can monitor up to 6 battery banks.
The Pico system is modular, which means that you need expansion modules in addition to the PICO monitor.
For battery monitoring you need the shunt SC303 or SC503.
Monitor multi-voltage systems with one PICO
With Pico you can monitor several voltage systems. All with a single device.
For monitoring 12V and 24V systems you can use the standard splitter that comes with Pico.
For systems that exclusively operate on 48V you need a high-voltage splitter.
Lead Acid & Lithium battery compatible
Our battery monitoring system is compatible with the following battery types:
Love at first sight that lasts forever
Pico has a design you’ll fall in love with over and over again. It’s sleek, slim, and compact look is available in 2 mount types and 2 colors (black and silver).
It’s display is optically bonded. It features a high-resolution, 3.5 IPS screen with Gorilla® Glass, a polarizing filter, and automatic illumination.
The IP67-rated anodized aluminum unibody case is water- and dust-resistant. The CapSense® touch buttons can be used even when there are drops of water on them.
When offgrid you rely completely on your own energy sources. Batteries don’t last forever, so solar is a necessity in this case. But still… you need to know what’s draining your batteries the most. Is it your fridge, stove, or something else?
Adding the innovative SCQ25, SCQ25T, or SCQ50 module to your system, lets you monitor the power consumption of all your appliances, such as your refrigerator, lights, cooktop, coffee maker, etc. Monitor various generators, like solar.
Monitoring the current coming in and out also serves as a check to make sure everything is working properly.
Always be sure of how much water you have left to cook, shower, or make your favorite tea with while admiring the beauty of nature or thinking about how little we need to be happy.
With Pico battery monitoring system you can monitor up to 12 tanks. Simply add a tank level and voltage module ST107 to the system and set two calibration points. For irregular tank shapes, you can set several of them to measure as accurately as possible.
Wide range of third-party analog sensors and units supported: resistive 0-65K ohms (or anything in between) and voltage type 0-75V (or anything in between).
Yours is around 36.6, but you know that already
What you don’t know is the temperature inside and outside your boat or campervan, the temperature of your batteries, your fridge, and your engine, etc.
Add up to 12 temperature sensors to the system with various shunts and modules: SC303, SC503, SCQ25T and/or ST107.
Pico is compatible with NTC 10k, NTC 5k and NTC 1k sensors.
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