Modular Watermakers

Sale of Modular Watermakers With Delivery

This page contains a catalog with prices for modular marine watermakers for yachts and boats, which you can buy at our marketplace with delivery. We represent only the best and proven equipment manufacturers of equipment for boats. We provide the warranty for all the products.

If you do not know which modular watermaker to buy for your yacht, then we will be happy to advise you before buying. Make a call or message us using the contact information.

What Is a Modular Watermaker

By design, seawater watermakers are divided into two main types - modular and self-contained. Both of these types of desalination equipment are designed for the production of fresh water, including drinking water from sea water. The best models provide 97-99% of sea water purification from salts, contaminants, as well as microorganisms, including viruses and bacteria.

Such a high degree of purification is available thanks to the reverse osmosis process. Outboard water under high pressure is forced through the membrane, microscopic holes in which let fresh water molecules through. All other components of sea water exceed their size, so they remain in the brine, which is collected from the back of the membranes. During the cleaning process, this brine with all its contents is dumped overboard, and fresh water enters the boat's drinking water tanks.

The main difference in the modular desalinators design is separation of the main components that are not combined into a single unit, as is typical for self-contained watermakers.

Pros/Cons of Modular Watermakers

Such design feature allows the use of modular watermakers on smaller boats, since different parts of the desalination plant can be placed in different locations. Flexible installation is the main advantage of modular desalinators. One module can be installed in the engine room, and the other (others) can be placed outside the engine room.

This is a very good solution not only to save on space. This arrangement allows the modules to be installed in such a way as to provide a convenient approach for servicing the system in tight boat conditions.

In addition to the design features and benefits they provide for small boat owners, modular desalination plants offer the same benefits as self-contained models:

  • provide the crew and passengers with fresh water, including drinking water, during the entire voyage, with no time limit for this trip;
  • provide the owner with complete freedom in developing a sailing route, since they are exempt from the mandatory stop at ports to replenish fresh water supplies;
  • exclude diseases on board due to the high degree of purification from pathogenic bacteria and viruses;
  • the freshness of fresh water on board does not depend on the time of its storage in tanks;
  • constant supply of fresh drinking water does not depend on the condition of the tanks, forced anchorages due to malfunctions, unplanned route changes and other unforeseen situations.

The disadvantages of modular distillers stem from their advantages – it is high cost and, although not frequent, but still necessary expenses for replacing different parts: carbon filters, membranes, rings, much less often - pumps, etc.

How to Choose a Modular Watermaker for a Yacht/Boat

If you have decided that you need a modular watermaker for your boat, pay attention first of all to the required watermaking capacity. Experienced sailors understand how much fresh and drinking water is required per day for the crew, passengers and equipment. All these data should be taken into account when choosing an option among modular watermakers for sale.

When calculating how much water is required, be extremely accurate, since the membranes of desalination equipment can fail without sufficient load over time. If you take a model with low capacity though, passengers will suffer without enough fresh and drinking water. Do not forget that some technical needs also require fresh water.

Be sure to check what materials the desalinator parts are made of. These materials must not absorb moisture, warp when exposed to sea salt and water, and must not rust, mold or rot. If you see the terms “stainless steel, food grade plastic, ceramics” in the listing of parts, you are on the right track.

Choose an option that can use a variety of power sources. For example, alternating current (AC) 120/220 volts from a generator during the voyage and direct current (DC) 12 or 24 volts from solar panels when docked. Or simply make a choice according to what source your boat can provide, including belt drive from the engine.

Do not forget that leading manufacturers offer models with an energy recovery system, which can significantly reduce the required power of the power source - up to 80% for some models.

How to Maintain/Care for a Modular Watermaker

To facilitate preventive maintenance and exclude repairs during the operation of a modular distiller, it should be installed correctly. During installation of a stationary model, it is enough to simply provide an energy source of the required power and also assemble it tightly to prevent air from being drawn into the system. In the case of a modular watermaker, a number of rules applies. All modules installed must be synchronized, and for this you must:

  • ensure that the feed pump is located below the waterline, in the flooded suction position;
  • provide easy access to pre-filters, since this is the only element that will have to be cleaned and replaced from time to time;
  • it is advisable to install the module with pre-filters in a place where a small water leak caused by their clogging will not damage other equipment;
  • fresh water filters that filter out chlorine before cleaning the membranes can be installed anywhere, even in a closed place, since you will visit them no more than once every six months;
  • the high pressure pump makes some noise, so it is better to place it in the engine room;
  • the high-pressure module with membranes also does not have to be in an accessible place, especially if you have an automatic membrane flushing system installed - if used correctly, the membranes are changed once every 3-5 years;
  • automatic flushing control panels and information panels are usually installed in an accessible place.

Membrane replacement is required at the end of the service life if the performance of the modular desalinator is noticeably reduced.

Chemical cleaning of membranes is required when, due to improper operation, microorganisms have grown on the membranes, contamination by fuel and other substances has occurred or the pores have become clogged with solid particles contained in sea water. This state of the membrane can come as a result of not being used for a long time and storage without chemical treatment or during the intake of heavily polluted water in the harbor.

Chemical cleaning is carried out using special chemical products, which you can find at our marketplace. They are also used to preserve the watermaker in the process of winterizing the yacht.

BrandEco Sistems Performance60 l/h
BrandEco Sistems Performance90 l/h
BrandEco Sistems Performance60 l/h
Farallon 2800C Watermaker - 284L/H - 230V
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42,514.06  46,200.52  -8%
Farallon 1800C Watermaker - 230V - 284 L/H
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39,447.82  42,867.65  -8%
Cape Horn 330 Watermaker - 52L/H - 12V
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8,489.84  9,217.67  -8%
Ventura 150R Watermaker - 24V/24L/H
Save 8%
7,972.71  8,665.99  -8%
Ventura 150R Watermaker - 24L/H - 12V
Save 8%
7,972.71  8,665.99  -8%