O-Ring kit for Splash 25/30 Watermakers

The company reDLis was founded in 2013 as a charter operator of pleasure yachts but ha...
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The price provided is NET-price, meaning shipment and VAT are not included. Additional duties and tax payments might be required. Taxes and delivery costs are calculated after ordering the goods and depend on the type of client and delivery address.
O-Rings ensure the tightness of the reverse osmosis system. They must be present at all connections. If the term of use is exceeded or if the operating rules are violated, O-Rings can dry out, as a result of which the system's tightness is violated, which can lead to damage of the membrane - the basis of any desalinator.
It is recommended to change all O-Rings after every 1000-1200 hours of use.
Eco Sistems
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