Filter 20 µm Size 9 3/4" for EFFICIENT Watermakers


Buy filter 20 µm with the of size 9 3/4" for all modifications of EFFICIENT watermakers from the manufacturer EcoSistems to maintain or repair the watermaker.

The company reDLis was founded in 2013 as a charter operator of pleasure yachts but ha...
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We offer to buy filter 20 µm with the of size 9 3/4" for repair - original spare parts from the manufacturer of boat watermakers EFFICIENT. Filters with these parameters are suitable for all models of EFFICIENT sea watermakers.

You should strictly observe the terms for replacing filters, since the quality of fresh water at the outlet depends a lot on filter's integrity. If the service life of the filters has not expired, but a change in its structure or a strong darkening is visually observed, it is advisable to replace it with a new one.

Eco Sistems

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