Sale of Wood Cleaner for Boat

Caring for wood on a yacht will be greatly facilitated by special marine chemicals designed for cleaning painted and unpainted wood of various kinds. In this section of the topRik marketplace, we have collected unique products for washing and treating wooden surfaces from the world's best manufacturers of specialized marine chemicals.

If cleaning the wooden surfaces of your boat is a problem for you, get free professional advice from topRik experts. They will recommend products that are suitable specifically for your yacht, right away. Just use any of the types of contacts linked to on this page: feedback form, phone call or email ([email protected]).

A wooden boat requires significant attention from the owner. Wood needs protection from rot, mold, woodworms, ultraviolet radiation, abrasion, drying out, depletion of soft layers, etc. To protect wooden surfaces, there are various means that are widely represented in our marketplace: resins, varnishes, polishes, paints, adhesives, oils, etc.

But all work related to the protection of the wooden parts of the yacht is preceded and accompanied by cleaning the wood from dirt, grease, traces of mold, corrosion, sand and microorganisms.

How to Choose a Wood Cleaner

The wooden surfaces of the yacht require cleaning both during the navigation period and in the off-season, when repair and finishing work can be carried out before placing the vessel for the winter. Therefore, in many respects, the choice of cleaning composition for wood depends on what type of cleaning is to be done, and what kind of work will then be carried out on the cleaned wooden surface.

Caring for a Wooden Yacht During Navigation

This process be summarized as follows:

  • all varnished surfaces are washed with fresh water and dried thoroughly;
  • in good weather, all internal rooms and bilges are ventilated so that they are clean and dry, the building is periodically inspected;
  • discovered scratches and other damage to the paint, especially on the outside, are immediately preserved, having previously removed the rot, and the necessary restoration or repairs are planned in the off-season;
  • sand that gets on the ship is immediately removed, since it contributes to the rapid wear of paint and varnish - and when lingering in the bilges, it also contributes to their wetting.

When parked, the vessel must be well moored and the hull covered with a cover.

Caring for a Wooden Boat in the Off-Season

During this period, they are usually limited to minor glue work and varnishing. The conditions for good gluing are clean and not too smooth wooden parts. Therefore, it is often necessary to sand surfaces to create roughness.

Waterproof epoxy adhesives, rubber-like adhesives and phenolic adhesives are commonly used to, for example, glue a chipped layer of veneer back into place. Elastic polyurethane glue and polyester adhesives of varying hardness are also used, since they do not shrink and internal stresses do not arise in their structures.

Small cracks and holes are filled with “putty”, which is made from sawdust of the same wood species or microspheres and epoxy glue (it is much more useful and reliable to use wood flour from the desired species of wood, obtained by sanding wooden products). After hardening, the repaired area is sanded, polished and varnished.

Caring for wooden coverings during the navigation period comes down to taking care of the cleanliness of the deck. Modern shipbuilders use teak and other types of valuable wood to make decks on more expensive exclusive models. But experience shows that if you can handle teak decking, you can handle other types of wood.

If the sides of the yacht are not made of wood, then the owner’s main task will be reduced to caring for the wooden deck.

Features of Teak Deck Care

A yacht with a teak deck is a statement piece, and there is no better way to highlight the owner's taste and commitment to proud maritime traditions.

The deck, perhaps more than any other part of a modern boat's structure, requires maintenance since it is in sight all the time, and you have to constantly interact with it physically. By following simple rules, you will be able to maintain the respectable appearance of your yacht for a long time and feel comfortable.

The more regularly you clean your teak deck, the better. This way it can be removed from stubborn dirt, grease stains, abrasive sand and scratches. For washing, it is better to use a soft sponge and special brushes with soft bristles. The direction of movement of the brush matters – not along, but across the board. This will prevent the soft fibers from being pulled out of the deck and keep it smooth. The use of high pressure washers is prohibited!

Special chemicals are used as detergents, which are inexpensive and are used quite sparingly. Automotive and other non-special detergents are contraindicated. Only special yacht chemicals are recommended for use.

Under no circumstances should you rely on intuition and neglect to read the instructions. For example, when using teak drugs restorer, upon completion of work, the composition must be thoroughly and completely washed off, because it contains acid as a color reducer, the residue of which will begin to burn both treated and “healthy” teak. After washing, it is recommended to wash the deck with soapy water - the alkaline environment neutralizes the acidic reducing agent.

There are also indications for preserving a teak deck. Precipitation and sun do not harm the teak deck in the warm season, but in winter the yacht must be covered with a mooring awning: teak is not afraid of frost, but the awning will protect the hull and deck from external influences.

So, based on all of the above, we can summarize that the best cleaning products for the wooden surfaces of a yacht are specialized marine chemical compounds. Only they can clean marine wood, maintaining its integrity and improving its appearance.

To prevent the deck from aging and deforming, all you need is a product for cleaning wooden surfaces, a composition for lightening the wood and restoring its natural color and appearance.

The first step in regular deck maintenance should be washing it with a special product, which includes:
  • preparing a solution of such a product based on the instructions for use with strict adherence to the proportions of water and the drug;
  • pre-wetting the deck;
  • uniform distribution of the solution over the deck using a brush;
  • leave the solution on the deck surface for 15 minutes;
  • removing the solution with plenty of water

This completes the first stage of teak deck cleaning. Dirt, grease and oil stains have been removed from the surface, and you can move on to the next stage, which, to achieve the best result, should begin immediately after completion of the first.

The purpose of the second stage is to remove black spots and gray deposits caused by weathering and salt spray, and ultimately restore the natural color of the wood. To restore color, use specialized marine products, performing the work in the following sequence:

  • prepare the solution in the proportions indicated in the instructions
  • spread the solution over the deck using a brush so that there are no untreated areas left;
  • give 15 minutes for the product to take effect;
  • rinse off the solution with plenty of water.

The third step could be to saturate the deck with teak oil. The fact is that teak wood dries out over time, and oil is necessary to nourish it and protect it from ultraviolet rays. It is best to apply oil in good weather when the deck is slightly warm. Spread the oil over the deck using a brush in the direction of the wood grain. The surface should be coated in two layers. The choice of oil is determined solely by personal preference. If you want to preserve the natural color of the wood, choose transparent varieties. The marketplace also offers types of oils that change the shade of wood.

If you clean regularly while sailing in the right way and with specialized products, you will not wear down the deck and at the same time prevent dirt from becoming embedded in the wood. Dirt tends to wear down deck boards, so frequent cleaning will extend the life of deck wood.


Can the same cleaner be used to clean all types of wood?

You can make sure that one product can be used to care for all types of wood, using Teak and Wood cleaner from FNI, forexample, which is specially designed for the care of teak, iroko, mahogany and all other types of unpainted wood. This cleaner is ideal for wood decks, restoring the color of the wood and removing any stains.

How to make sure your wood cleaner is safe for your health?

Leading manufacturers of marine chemicals, whose products are presented in the topRik marketplace, produce biosoluble specialized detergents that are safe not only for the marine environment, but also for people on board.

Are there specialized products for removing stains from wooden surfaces?

topRik experts recommend choosing universal products for caring for marine wood. They not only clean wooden surfaces from ordinary dirt, but also restore the natural color of the wood, removing stains from rust, oils, mold, etc. But if such a specialized product cannot cope with a very neglected deck, use wood restorers or bleaches. These products should also be intended for treating the wooden surfaces of boats, and not for household or construction needs.

Can wood cleaners be used on wet surfaces?

Specialized marine wood cleaners and detergents can also be used on wet surfaces without waiting for the deck or sides to dry. Most detergents require a moistened deck to evenly distribute the composition on its surface. But before applying protective coatings, you need to wait until the wooden surfaces are completely dry after washing and sanding.

Do I need to apply any protective agents after cleaning wooden surfaces?

In many cases, cleaning and sanding wooden surfaces is carried out precisely so that protective agents in the form of oils, varnishes and other protective impregnations adhere well to them. It is also carried out before painting the wood, which also creates a protective layer.