Mooring Anchor Buoy diameter 32 cm

List price: 155.28  -20%
In stock

The organization of stationary anchorages can be caused by the characteristics of the bottom, the size of the bay, its depth, or the requirements of the environmental legislation of the region - for example, in order to preserve coral reefs. If you are the owner or tenant of such docking spots, buy mooring anchor buoys Ø 32 cm with a stainless steel central rod and polyurethane foam filler.

Size chart
BrandG.F.N. SRL Shipping fromItaly Diameter, cm32 TypeFor anchorage
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  • List of product variants

The proposed mooring buoys are made in three different modifications with different diameters and buoyancy.

Mooring anchor buoys Ø 32 cm have the following properties:

  • reliable thanks to the used materials and construction,
  • easy to handle, which facilitates mooring even for inexperienced yachtsmen;
  • do not require maintenance, which frees up the time of the owner of the docking spot;
  • resistant to ultraviolet radiation;
  • resistant to temperature changes and freezing.

The durability of the buoys is provided by materials that are resistant to sea water and atmospheric phenomena, as well as the simplicity and reliability of the design.

The design of the buoy and its weight allow it to be handled from the deck with a gaff with little effort, which your clients will surely appreciate.

When choosing the size of mooring buoy you need, you must consider the weight of the vessel, the surface of the sail, and the characteristics of the soil. You may need different sized buoys to accommodate multiple piers for ships of different weights.

If you care about the convenience of your customers, save your time and money, buy reliable mooring anchor buoys Ø 32 cm, which do not have to be replaced often.

Diameter, cm
Height, cm
For anchorage
Buoyancy net, g
Buoyancy total, g

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