Inflatable Mooring Buoy diameter 50 cm

List price: 139.81  -20%
In stock

If you need buoys that are visible from afar due to their bright color and are convenient for mooring several vessels on a stationary anchor, we suggest buying inflatable mooring buoys Ø 50 сm, the parts of which are made of stainless steel and waterproof materials. The proposed buoy is easily lifted out of the water with a hook by a large diameter ring in the upper part.

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BrandG.F.N. SRL Shipping fromItaly Diameter, cm50 TypeMooring
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Renters or dead anchorage owners will have no problems with customers if they use inflatable mooring buoys Ø 50 cm because:

  • even in case of unsuccessful mooring, the vessel will not be damaged in a collision with a buoy, since it is made of durable, but lightweight material, has a rounded shape;
  • a ring in the upper part has sufficiently large diameter so that the buoy can be lifted with a gaff hook;
  • no matter what method is provided for attaching the moorings of the yacht (with a factory for the buoy itself or on the mooring loop), this can be done quickly and without much physical effort;
  • you can anchor and take off in a matter of minutes.

With the proposed inflatable mooring buoys even an inexperienced yachtsman will be able to conduct the mooring.

The stainless steel piece runs through the entire buoy from top to bottom. The upper part serves to manipulate the buoy, and the anchor cable is attached to the lower part of the jaw swivel. This design ensures reliable connections and integrity even during strong waves.

Buy inflatable mooring buoys Ø 50 cm which will make it easier for your customers to moor to a fixed anchor.

Diameter, cm

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