Oars, Paddles and Rowlocks for Sale

Sale of Oars, Paddles and Rowlocks

In case you are looking for perfect oars or paddles and rowlocks, in this section of the topRik marketplace you can choose paddles and rowlocks that will fully match the parameters of your boat, your landing characteristics and rowing method.

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There are many reasons for buying new boat oars: the standard oars from the boat are lost, broken or damaged, or the oars offered with the boat you just purchased are not suitable.

If you are a fan of active recreation, like to raft on rivers or lakes, fish, or have your own yacht with an inflatable dinghy, then you should definitely know about the existing types of oars and the features of their selection.

Design, Types and Characteristics of Modern Oars

Oars are constructed of following main parts: handle, blade, spindle.

The handles usually have a straight shape, but other options are possible. It is important that the handle lies comfortably in the hand and does not slip; for this purpose, its surface is covered with rubber pads, and a plug is inserted into the top.

The blades are the extended part of the oar, which directly plunges into the water, scoops it up and develops speed due to the pushing movements of the rower.

The spindle is the tubular element between the handle and the blade. On top of the spindle there is a cuff made of rubber or leather, thanks to which the oar is held in the oarlock.

By design, oars are either solid or folding.

Solid oars are quite durable because they are a single structure without moving elements. They are usually used as main ones on small boats; they are used as spare ones on large motor boats.

Collapsible models weigh more than solid ones, but despite this they are more compact and easier to use. Largely for this reason, they are usually added to fishing boats.

Paddles Selection Options

The abundance of offers in this market, on the one hand, allows buyers not to limit themselves in choice. But on the other hand, due to the huge variety of options, purchasing difficulties may arise not only for beginners, but even for experienced users.

In such a situation, you should get together and use your existing knowledge, rely on personal observations and take into account the operating conditions of the products. For example, if you need oars for an inflatable boat made of PVC or other polymers (hypalon, neoprene, polyurethane), which is considered the most popular among experienced users and amateurs, then the oars must have several important characteristics:

  • sufficient elasticity and high strength so that they can push off the pier, the side of a yacht, land or the bottom without harm to the oars;
  • a blade of a suitable shape, thanks to which it will be possible to collect a good volume of water when rowing, it will be convenient and easy to row, but at the same time the oar will not create an additional weight load on the boat;
  • the minimum length should be related to the width of the boat, the maximum should not exceed 15% of the width of the craft.

In certain situations, short oars will provide advantages: they are convenient for moving through bodies of water overgrown with reeds or algae. But in free water it is better not to use them, since due to the lack of length of the oars, it is more difficult for the boat to gain speed.

Choosing the right paddle size can make all the difference to comfortable paddling and proper control. Alas, there is no universal approach to choosing oars for everyone. In general, the correct oar size depends on the width of the oarlocks, the height of the boat in the water, and your height in relation to the oarlocks.

The truly optimal choice of oar will take into account the distance between the rowlocks, the size of the tanks, the height of the rowing position, your own height and strength, the type of water and even the load on the boat. The width here is even more important than the length of the boat.

Let's take a closer look at how each of these parameters affects the choice of oars for an inflatable boat.

Materials for Making Oars for Boats

In the production of boat oars, materials are used that can provide high strength and maneuverability properties, while at the same time guarantee low weight of the products, without deforming from frequent exposure to water and sea salt. Several materials meet these parameters:

  • natural wood;
  • aluminum alloy;
  • plastic;
  • fiberglass.

Wood is not used as often as it might seem. It is usually used when you need to get oars with a certain set of characteristics. Most often, small-sized watercrafts and inflatable boats are equipped with wooden models. In this case, the wood must be specially processed. For the blades, marine plywood can be used, which consists of several layers of wood impregnated with resins.

Aluminum, at a relatively low cost, shows enviable strength characteristics and resists shock loads well. Generally, aluminum oars are best suited for PVC boats. Oars made of anodized aluminum have proven themselves to be excellent and successfully resist corrosion.

The plastic is reliable and quite durable. Oars made from it are not demanding on water temperature, exposure to ultraviolet radiation and sea salt. Plastic models are designed specifically for lightweight inflatable boats that are used to navigate bodies of water with standing water, low currents, or short distances.

Fiberglass, especially reinforced with carbon fiber, is lightweight; this material is not afraid of water and sea salt, corrosion, does not rot or mold. But due to their low strength, oars made of this material are not used for moving in conditions where they have to push off from the shore or bottom with considerable effort.

Fans of active recreation more often than others prefer aluminum models. They are simple and lightweight, but at the same time quite reliable. They do not require any special care; if necessary, they can be easily disassembled, which simplifies their storage and transportation. Wooden options are also durable, they can withstand high loads and look attractive. But when choosing these models, you need to understand that they require special care. Plus, problems with storage and transportation may arise, since not all models fit into a standard car trunk.

Boat Oar Length

It is necessary to buy oars, first of all, based on the size of the boat, the height and physical parameters of the rower, as well as the characteristics of the water body. Here, not only the weight of the products, the material of their manufacture, the shape of the blades, the design, but also the length of the models are important.

The length of the oar largely depends on the length of the boat itself:

  • watercrafts up to 260 cm are equipped with oars 140 cm long;
  • boats from 270 to 360 cm are equipped with accessories for 160 cm;
  • models over 360 cm are used with 180 cm oars.

Several rowing problems can be caused by the wrong oar size.

If the oars keep popping out, they may be too short. To check your oar size, make sure the oar handles are in line with your shoulders as you begin the stroke and that the blade is still in the water. Hands positioned outside the body especially affect rowing ergonomics and can lead to elbow or shoulder problems in the future.

The right size oars for your boat have all the benefits - now you have the opportunity to practice proper rowing technique.

If you get tired quickly during the day, the oars may be too long. Too much length outside the boat and in the water means each stroke requires more effort. On multi-day hikes this can lead to tough days, especially in difficult weather conditions or technical rapids. The fact that the oars are too long can be judged by the fact that during the reverse stroke they cannot free the knees.

Although it is difficult to determine paddle size at first, with time and practice a good compromise can be found. Your body and your control will benefit from taking the time to find what works best for you and your boat.

Thus, if the basic configuration of the boat does not include oars, then they must be selected based on the following criteria:

  • width and length of the craft;
  • features of the water body: free space, narrow channels, shallow water, presence of current;
  • way of moving on a boat: oars, using a motor or combined movement with oars and a motor.

Oarlock Width

The oarlocks secure the oars to the boat and usually extend beyond the center of the spindle by 75-100 mm. Place the oars in the clamps and level them to a horizontal position. Leave a few centimeters between the handles. At least ⅔ of the oar should be outside the boat.

Cylinder Diameter

Larger cylinders mean the oarlocks are positioned higher above the water. More space between the oarlocks and the water means longer oars.

Your Seat on the Boat

Optimize your seat height so that the oars rotate naturally relative to your body. Some oars are positioned too high, which causes the arms to be raised too high when pushing off the water, which skews the measurement of oar length.

Away from water, you can get a rough estimate by mounting everything except the paddle blades on level ground (a garage or lawn). Select the height of the oarlocks, the location of the oarlocks and the width of the oarlocks so that the bladeless oars sweep the ground while maintaining the correct position as described above.

The fact that the rower has chosen the correct oar size can be judged by the way he performs the forward stroke (push). The oar handles should be at shoulder level, and the entire blade - in the water. The oarlocks should be approximately at the same level as the knees.

If the rower has chosen the wrong size, then when rowing forward, the oar handles will be outside or above the body, the elbows will be apart. Only part of the blade enters the water in that case, and they cannot reliably push off, the oarlocks end up well above the knees.

Blade Shape

The choice of oars that are right for you should also be based on the shape of the blade, which can be very diverse:

  • wide - for higher speed, optimal for moving across open water bodies;
  • narrowed - suitable for swimming in shallow water and small channels, convenient for pushing off;
  • concave (spoon-shaped) - designed for people in good physical shape;
  • round - most suitable for small boats than others.

The main purpose of the oars is to gain speed to move the boat. But there are plenty of other situations where oars can also help. For example, thanks to them it is convenient to clear the fairway of mud and algae, avoid possible roots of trees or bushes along the route, and push off from the bottom or shore if the boat ended up in shallow water.

Experienced fishermen, rafters and yachtsmen always have an extra oar in case of unforeseen situations: when the main oar is damaged, or the boat motor fails.

Paddle and Oar Rowlock - Black - Ø56 - 145/70
Save 28%
4.18  5.81  -28%
SWIM DAME Oarlock - Ø51mm
Save 28%
4.13  5.73  -28%