Boat Impregnating buy now

Don’t know how to effectively and reliably protect wooden, metal, acrylic and other surfaces of a yacht? In this section of the topRik marketplace you will find only the best impregnating products for protecting all the elements of your boat.

What Are Impregnatings and What Are They For?

Impregnatings are special solutions, varnishes, wax-based mixtures, as well as other compositions, the formulas of which are kept secret by manufacturers, which penetrate deep into the structure of the material and create a protective effect. By filling the free space, they prevent the entry of substances harmful to the material (water, salt) or get rid of harmful flora and fauna (fungus, mold, algae).

Impregnatings protect parts, surfaces and elements of the yacht from the harmful effects of sea water, ultraviolet radiation, mold, mildew, temperature changes and even mechanical influences. Every boater knows how destructive a mixture of salt, water, wind, heat and sunlight can be to boats.

Properly selected impregnatings can effectively prevent the destruction of metals from corrosion, including galvanic corrosion, wood from rotting, acrylic from destruction, marine plywood from mold, and also extend the service life of textiles that are used to make awnings.

If you make it a rule to regularly treat the surfaces and parts of your boat during seasonal preparations of the yacht for navigation or wintering, and then not every year, but depending on the validity period of the selected impregnatings, it will thank you for your care with a long service life without special costs for repairs and replacement of various parts or equipment.

Types of Impregnatings Depending on Purpose

In this section of the marketplace topRik presents especially effective and practice-tested impregnatings from the best manufacturers of protective equipment for vessels of various designs - motor, sailing, with hulls made of wood, metal or fiberglass. The proposed products protect against harmful effects by impregnating:

  • metal boat hulls, products and parts made of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, parts of equipment made of various types of metals;
  • wood in the form of deck coverings, as part of the boat hull, wooden parts in the interior and exterior of the vessel;
  • fabrics and non-woven materials from which yacht awnings and curtains are made.

Universal impregnatings are also produced that can be used to process several types of materials. With such a versatile impregnating - penetrating oil for metal and wood - we will begin listing especially effective products.

Universal Penetrating Oils for Wood and Metal

The fiberglass body does not need impregnating - it is initially made of fiberglass impregnated with resins. But a wooden vessel without special treatment will not last long because of sea salt. This processing includes a lot of nuances, starting from drying the wood and ending with the final finishing of the body. But between these two points there will definitely be a special impregnating with stains and oils. These products penetrate deeply into the wood, draw out excess moisture, fill voids so that sea water does not get inside, and eradicate harmful flora and fauna, preventing fungus, mold and rot.

Despite the higher strength of metal compared to wood, metal hulls without special treatment are also highly susceptible to corrosion from constant exposure to salt water. And painting is the final stage of processing a metal surface.

A multi-purpose penetrating oil for wood and metal dries quickly in air. It can be used alone or mixed with paint. When applied to rusted metal, the oil displaces moisture and air and stops rusting.

When applied to wood, the oil penetrates deep into the pores of the wood and prevents paint from peeling off. If you add such oil to any oil-based or alkyd paint, varnish or stain, it becomes more convenient to apply the coating, fluidity and adhesion improves and, unlike thinners, the oil maintains the quality of the paint without deteriorating the result and increasing drying time.

So, here are the advantages of impregnating for metal and wood:


  • can be applied directly to rusted metal;
  • penetrates deep into rusted surfaces and displaces moisture and air;
  • completely protects the metal from rusting;
  • compatibility with all oil-based and alkyd paints, stains and varnishes, including urethane -alkyd paints;
  • can be used on non-ferrous metals, stainless steel, aluminum;
  • can be used as a primer on galvanized surfaces, without the need for any preparation, such as etching, etc.;
  • penetrates into the pores of wood and prevents paint from peeling;
  • provides better adhesion of layers of paint and varnish applied over oil;
  • facilitates the application of paints and other finishing coatings;
  • after applying oil to rusted metal, you can apply a decorative layer of oil on top, providing a glossy finish.


Saturated salt solution is a catalyst, an electrolyte for galvanic corrosion. Of course, the best way to eliminate this process is to prevent contact between metals of different activity, especially if there is a danger of seawater penetration. But if this happens, special attention is required to this part of the equipment. Yes, there are also impregnatings for this case that create protective coatings.

Impregnatings For Metal Based on Solvents and Wax

These impregnatings are designed to remove minor traces of corrosion and prevent its further development. The solvent- and wax-based composition penetrates the pores of the metal, dissolves traces of corrosion, and lubricates the pores with a stable wax composition that lasts for many months.

Such products are used for marine diesel engines, deck equipment, electronics, batteries and electrical connections, for processing components where there is a risk of galvanic corrosion. The composition is not conductive and cannot cause a short circuit.

Protective Oil for Wood Decks

This impregnating is also good for solid wood decks, as well as natural teak decking. Excellent for all types of natural wood used in marine applications, including exotic woods.

Thanks to its high penetrating ability, this type of impregnating provides long-lasting protection for any type of wood and at the same time emphasizes its natural structure. Depending on the manufacturer and brand, it can set off the colors of the natural color of the wood - from light teak to mahogany and dark oak.

Protects wood from damage to soft fibers when exposed to continuous sunlight on the deck surface. Special detergents can be used to clean the deck from sea salt, dirt and engine oil stains.

Ideal for the decks of ships that are often at sea, and whose deck experiences all the negative natural influences (ultraviolet radiation, rain, sea salt, water, temperature changes), as well as the results of human activity.

Sealing Impregnating for Teak Decking

This is a special type of impregnating, which is also a sealant, since depressurization of joints between natural teak boards is an open path for water and salt, as well as sea plankton. The penetration of these ingredients into wood can cause swelling, drying out, rotting, mold, fungal infections, etc.

Teak sealant performs several tasks at once:

  • prevents the appearance of mold and biological destruction of wood under the influence of microorganisms;
  • contains substances that nourish teak wood;
  • contains additives for UV protection;
  • repels water, oil and other contaminants;
  • provides long-term protection and significantly extends the life and presentation of a natural teak deck.

At the same time, the impregnating does not contain synthetic resins and polymers, but highlights the natural beauty of the structure of teak wood. The sealant does not peel off, does not yellow or crack.

Wood Color Brighteners and Restorers

These impregnatings are used to refresh outdated natural wood decking - usually teak. The first of them lighten darkened areas, and the second restore the original color of the deck covering.

We are talking about decks made of solid wood or with a deck covering made of natural wood.

Protective Impregnating Lubricants for Metals

They are used for various equipment, in those units where there is a danger of normal and galvanic corrosion. The aerosol penetrates deeply, for example, into battery terminals and connecting terminals, resulting in:

  • cleanses from dirt and traces of corrosion;
  • displaces moisture;
  • enhances protection against breakdowns;
  • reduces the likelihood of a short circuit;
  • restores the protective properties of insulation;
  • significantly increases the reliability of electrical contacts in damp environments.

Water-Repellent Impregnatings for Textiles and Nonwovens

Awnings, umbrellas, covers, curtains, capes - all these essential elements of comfort and protection for the crew until recently suffered from water. Until the chemical industry came to the rescue, offering a whole series of water-repellent impregnatings.

They are usually produced in aerosol packaging, which facilitates the processing of textiles.

Some of them also have a dirt-repellent effect. Also suitable for processing sails.

Application and Usage

Impregnatings should be stored in accordance with the requirements of the instructions for use. Depending on the shape of the container, it can be an aerosol bottle, a canister made of various materials, a plastic or metal can, etc.

The aerosol is sprayed onto the surface in an even layer, oil or other impregnating from another container is applied to the surface or part to be treated with a brush, roller or swab made of lint-free cloth.

The number of layers for applying impregnating is usually indicated in the instructions. But if we are talking about deck wood that has served for many years, you can add several more coats to the usual two coats of oil deck stain until you are satisfied with the appearance of the deck. The same method is applied to the most worn areas - the number of “approaches” is increased.

But if the deck is treated with impregnating for the first time, it is better to lightly sand the top layer of its wood. Typically, oil-based wood impregnating is completely ready for use, but sometimes it needs to be diluted with a solvent.

Impregnatings with sealant properties are used undiluted. Shake the bottle well and apply a thin layer of the composition with a brush onto a clean and completely dry surface at a temperature of at least 15°C.
