Sale of Mold Remover for Boat

Need a mold repellent for boats and yachts? In this section you can select anti-mold formulations from leading manufacturers of marine chemicals - American Star brite, Italian B.R.A.V.A. S.r.l. and Silpar tk S.N.C. and others. These reputable companies offer effective solutions for removing mold stains from any surface, from fiberglass and rubber to synthetic leather, fabric and sails, as well as preventing mold growth.

If you find it difficult to choose a means to eliminate mold on yachts, get a free professional consultation right now. To contact topRik experts, use online feedback form in Contacts section on this page, give us a call or send a message to [email protected].

Mold is a colony of a single-celled fungus that develops from spores that are constantly present in the air in a “preserved” state in huge quantities. It is most active in the fall, as decaying vegetation provides an excellent breeding ground for it.

Mold is omnivorous, omnipresent, but it is rarely noticeable. In a clean room, each cubic meter of air contains approximately 500 fungal spores.

That is why a washed and cleaned yacht placed in winter storage under a cover can be unpleasantly affected by a coating of mold in various places when at the beginning of the season the owner removes the cover and is about to launch the boat.

The main reason for the appearance and growth of mold is increased humidity in the room, excess moisture. The fungus actively develops at air humidity above 95%. Mold can grow on wood, concrete, plaster, rubber, plastic, linoleum, vinyl, fabric-based polymer coatings, painted surfaces, carpeting, and even grow in books.

Another reason for the appearance of mold is a violation of air exchange. If the indoor ventilation system is installed correctly and works effectively, then there are no conditions for mold growth. In areas where there is no or limited air movement, mold is most likely to be seen.

In addition to ineffective ventilation, the contamination of the air with fungal spores is affected by the sanitary condition of supply and exhaust ventilation and air conditioning systems.

It was established that the frequent temperature changes in industrial premises contributes to the formation of mold.

From all of the above, it becomes clear that a yacht is one of the most vulnerable objects to mold: it is at sea for most of the year, and often winters near water, under a cover, has restrictions on air exchange, its living and “industrial” premises (engine room, galley) are in direct contact.

Why is Mold Dangerous for a Boat or Yacht?

If mold is not removed from the affected parts of the yacht in time, a very unpleasant odor will develop over time in the salon and cabins, hold and other rooms, as well as in closets and lockers. But that's not the worst thing. Over time, the fungus penetrates under the surfaces, and it can only be removed by completely rebuilding the yacht.

The harm from mold to boats lies not only in the fact that when this fungus spreads, any yacht loses its presentable appearance and spreads a putrid smell of dampness. This fungus “corrodes” protective lubricants and coatings, allowing access to moisture, salt, microflora and fauna, as well as wood borers.

Mold can also cause significant damage to sails. Despite the fact that modern yachtsmen prefer sails made of polymer fabrics, mold also grows well on synthetic materials if they are not treated with appropriate means.

The consequences of mold on a yacht are dangerous not only for the vessel itself, but also for its crew, as well as passengers, for example, on a charter. After all, a hired skipper of a charter yacht cannot know what allergic reactions his passengers are susceptible to.

Mold is the cause of various allergic diseases: allergic rhinitis, hay fever, bronchial asthma, even angioedema and anaphylactic shock. Imagine that one of these dangerous illnesses struck a person on a yacht in the middle of the ocean, and you will understand how important it is to regularly carry out preventive measures against this fungus.

How do Mold Removers Work?

Modern marine antiseptics can successfully combat any type of mold fungi. They are more expensive than vinegar or peroxide, which are often used in everyday life to combat mold, but their benefits are immeasurably greater. Each has its own specific application and unique compositions.

The action of the mold remedy is based on the antiseptic and fungicidal properties of these compounds. They are able to penetrate into the processed material to the depth of penetration of the mycelium and infect mold fungi, as well as their spores, which are present at the time of processing.

But we remember that the spores still remain in the air, and sooner or later they will begin to grow new mycelium if the yacht is not regularly cleaned with special anti-mold products.

No one can give advice on how to remove mold from a yacht once and for all, since this is impossible: any ship is an ideal incubator for it. But it is within your power not to give mold a single chance to seize a position and develop an offensive. All you have to do is choose one powerful cleaner designed to remove mold stains from any surface.

How to Choose a Mold Remover

The best remedies for mold on a yacht are by no means those that you use at home or in car care. For processing fiberglass or sails, they can be destructive. Under no circumstances should you use various abrasive powders - you will erase the protective layers of the deck, sides, sails, and wall coverings.

The choice of mold repellent for a boat should be limited to special marine compounds. They will not only gently wash all surfaces of the yacht from traces of fungus, but if they get into the sea along with the washing solution, they will not cause damage to the environment. In the topRik marketplace we offer only safe biosoluble detergents for yachts and boats.

Try to choose a universal anti-mold composition for boats that is suitable for the surfaces of any material - wood, polymers, fabric, leather, etc.

Mold Prevention

Preventing mold on your boat is an ongoing battle that requires a multi-pronged, proactive approach. Constant monitoring is necessary because you will never completely eliminate mold from your boat. This is due to the fact that their spores are almost ubiquitous, and to grow and reproduce, all they need is humidity, the right temperature and food, which can be almost any organic matter, any material containing carbon atoms.

How to avoid mold on a yacht, is this even possible? Yes, if you eliminate all the reasons that help molds gain a foothold and develop. To do this, you should perform a number of activities:

  • regularly ventilate all enclosed areas of the vessel, both using natural air flow through doors, hatches and portholes, and using the ventilation and air conditioning system;
  • regularly check and clean the ventilation and air conditioning system;
  • if possible, often leave kitchen cabinets and shelves, wardrobes, lockers open;
  • before placing the yacht for the winter, carry out a global cleaning of all surfaces where fungus can develop, using anti-mold agents;
  • after washing, dry the yacht well before placing it in a ventilated room or under an awning for the winter;
  • wash, dry and store the sails in a ventilated place for the winter;
  • immediately hang all wet clothes and towels until completely dry;
  • monitor the condition of the trash can;
  • do not leave scraps, peeling vegetables and fruits in the cabins, saloon and other rooms;
  • dry fenders, boats and water toys well after use before placing them in the garage or lockers.

As you can see, it is not difficult to resist mold on a yacht: you just need to keep it clean, make sure that wet objects do not touch various surfaces, and use special compounds against mold fungi.
