Hand Bearing Compass for Sale

Sale of Marine Hand Bearing Compass

The catalog with prices for hand-held compasses offers a wide selection of models from the world's best manufacturers of navigation instruments – Plastimo, Riviera, etc. These are portable devices with a mounting bracket that can be installed on a boat in a place convenient for you.

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It is impossible to imagine safe navigation without a whole range of special devices - marine navigation equipment. Of course, it cannot completely replace a human being, but it is a necessary addition to the experience and knowledge of any skipper. It is not for nothing that international maritime regulations impose strict requirements on navigation equipment, as one of the main factors in the safety of navigation.

The international convention SOLAS sets out a list of requirements for on-board navigation equipment installed on sea-going vessels. In accordance with these requirements, the main magnetic compass, which is mandatory for all types of sea vessels, must be equipped with a direction finder that makes it possible to take a bearing at all 360 degrees, and equipped with an autonomous power source if it is an electronic model.

Hand bearing compass is used by the navigator when he needs to take a bearing (direction) to an object. With a direction finder compass, you can fix the position of the selected target on the navigation map. The transverse sight allows you to determine the position of the boat. To make it easier to work at night, the compass should have a backlight.

Types of Hand Compasses

Types of direction-finding compasses are classified into different categories. Among them are:

  • traditional mechanical models;
  • electronic (digital) compasses;
  • models with global magnetic correction;
  • compasses with protractor;
  • waterproof compasses with protection against moisture, salt and corrosion;
  • backlit compasses, which are in demand during night navigation;
  • models mounted on a boat - these can be either removable and portable or stationary compasses.

Traditional Compasses

Most traditional and hand bearing compasses are mechanical models that are equipped with a handle. A prism is installed on top of the “pot”, which allows you to read the compass when it is held at eye level. Usually there is a V-shaped slot on the prism, and on the card below there are divisions from 0 to 359°. When the slot on the prism is aligned with the direction of the object, the bearing is read through the prism. When taking a bearing, a compass of this type should be held at arm's length.

New Types of Direction Finder Compasses

A distinctive feature of modern models of hand bearing compasses is that they can be held directly to the eye. In this case, the object and the compass card are visible simultaneously, although the eye is focused at a greater distance.

Prismatic Portable Compasses

Equipped with a prism that allows you to simultaneously view the object and the compass needle, which simplifies determining the direction. Used by professionals due to high accuracy.

A striking example of the combination of tradition and innovation in navigation instruments are the Iris series compasses from the famous French company Plastimo, which provides the following advantages when working with it:

  • made of high-strength materials, which provides good protection against possible mechanical damage and strong impacts;
  • does not slip out of your hands even when wet;
  • no parallax errors: the prism projects readout to infinity. It also makes for a more comfortable experience since you don't have to alternate between close swipes to read the map and endless swipes to get your bearings;
  • optimal conditions for direction finding thanks to the excellent stability of the compass card and a wide field of view of 20°, so the compass is suitable for use in the harshest sea conditions;
  • reading the direction from above: you can read the readings like a standard compass without having to look through a prism;
  • easy-to-read white dial with direct readout, with graduations from 0 to 359° and 1° divisions;
  • compass pin and solid sapphire mechanism guarantee the durability and shock resistance of your compass;
  • soft-bottom firebox: designed using ultrasonic welding, acts as an expansion diaphragm, preventing the formation of bulges and leaks;
  • built-in photoluminescent lighting that requires no special maintenance, is non-corrosive, operates without batteries or radioactive tritium.

Compasses With Built-In Rangefinder

They allow you not only to determine the direction, but also to measure the distance to an object. Ideal for complex maneuvers and route planning.

Digital Handheld Compasses

They operate on the basis of electronic sensors and a display showing the direction. May have additional functions such as backlight, heading memory, etc. It requires a power source, usually batteries, to function.

One of the latest achievements in this area is a fully automated hand bearing compass with an electronic device that is guided by a magnetic field and quickly produces a digital result on an indicator.


How do electronic compasses differ from traditional ones?

Traditional magnetic compasses contain a freely rotating compass card that aligns with the Earth's magnetic field and points in the direction of north. Small magnetic fields on board, caused by metal (steel steering wheel or iron block), magnets (speaker or microphone), or conductive wires, can distract the compass from pointing north.

This deviation must be corrected by moving the compass away from local magnetic interference (if possible) or by adjusting small compensating magnets inside the compass (using a process called compass swing). For deviations that are too large for compensating magnets, typically greater than 20°, a deflection table may need to be created.

Electronic circulation compasses measure the relative strength of magnetic fields passing through two coils of wire. Using sophisticated electronics, these sensors can determine the direction of the Earth's magnetic field. They are still affected by local magnetic fields, such as steel components and speaker magnets, but can compensate electronically for those areas that do not change in strength or location.

One of the advantages of electronic compasses is that their sensors can be mounted remotely in many cases. This allows the sensor to be placed in such a way that it will be least affected by interference from metals. Of course, this increases the complexity of installation.

How often should you calibrate a hand compass?

Unlike a trip compass, which is mounted at the helm station, the calibration of hand bearing compasses is not subject to any international regulations. The direction finder compass itself is involved in calibrating the ship's main compass and checking it for bearing accuracy.

How to check compass accuracy before use?

Compass adjustments on commercial vessels should only be made by a qualified and authorized person. International standards for magnetic compasses and compass settings are governed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the IMO SOLAS 74 Convention and the International High Speed Craft Safety Code (HSC).

Hand bearing compass is used to check the accuracy of the compass during navigation.

While sailing, it is necessary to systematically monitor the operation of the gyroscopic and magnetic compasses and use all possibilities to determine the corrections of these compasses from observations. Their readings should be constantly compared. The correction of any compass is determined by comparing the true bearing of a landmark with its compass bearing at the same point in time

What additional functions can be useful in a hand compass?

The direction finder compass can be backlit, which makes it easier to work with at night or when visibility is poor during the day. A great addition is the built-in rangefinder.

Equipping with a magnetic set on a hinge will ensure that the map remains perfectly horizontal, regardless of the angle of installation of the compass.

What to do if the compass no longer shows the correct direction?

In the design and configuration of navigation equipment, even the simplest, such as mechanical hand bearing compass is better not to intervene on your own if you have no experience in such activities. You should contact a specialist or replace a non-working device.

Handbearing Compass Iris 50 - Yellow
Save 13%
BrandPlastimo MPN63871
77.18  88.71  -13%
Handbearing Compass Iris 50 - Blue
Save 13%
BrandPlastimo MPN63870
77.18  88.71  -13%
Handbearing Compass Iris 50 - Army Green
Save 13%
BrandPlastimo MPN63873
77.18  88.71  -13%
Handbearing Compass Iris 100 - Blue
Save 13%
BrandPlastimo ModelWithout light
87.00  100.00  -13%
Handbearing Compass Iris 100 - Tactical
Save 13%
BrandPlastimo MPN63867
111.78  128.48  -13%
Handbearing Compass Iris 100 - Yellow with Lighting
Save 13%
BrandPlastimo ModelWith light
111.78  128.48  -13%
Handbearing Prisma Compass
Save 30%
BrandRiviera MPN62.00093.01
187.17  267.38  -30%
Handbearing Compass Iris 100 - Blue with Lighting
Save 13%
BrandPlastimo ModelWith light
111.78  128.48  -13%
Handbearing Compass with Black Card
Save 30%
6.08  8.68  -30%
Handbearing Compass with White Card
Save 30%
12.64  18.06  -30%
Handbearing Compass Iris 100 - Yellow
Save 13%
BrandPlastimo ModelWithout light
87.00  100.00  -13%