Sale of Air Pumps for Inflatable Boats

Sale of Air Pumps for Inflatable Boats

This section of our marketplace presents all popular types of pumps for boats from well-known manufacturers of marine equipment, including one of the world leaders, the Italian company Scoprega.

For all questions about the purchase and operation of air pumps for inflatable boats, contact the experts of the topRik marketplace. Right now, get a free consultation from experienced sailors through the website’s quick contact form or by phone (the number is listed on the page). You can also send a request by email ([email protected]).

When you buy an inflatable boat, you also get a pump included with it: without it, the boat cannot be prepared for launching. However, the pump that is supplied by default is a classic foot pump, which is popularly called a frog pump – there’s no other way other than to inflate the boat manually with it.

This takes a lot of time: according to our tests, it takes an experienced fisherman at least 25 minutes to prepare a three-seater boat using a foot pump, which is usually equipped with inflatable boats. If you are just starting to fish, the process may take even longer. Add to this the time for transportation, assembling the boat, installing the bottom - and it turns out that it can take about an hour and a half, if not two, before going out on the water. During this time, any desire to fish may disappear!

And there are situations when more important issues depend on time, for example, the delivery of a sick person from a yacht in the roadstead, and this is not even mentioning emergency situations with the yacht itself. In such cases, the time for pumping up the life raft and the boat is measured in seconds.

Special accessories can help make your life easier, and sometimes even save it. A specialized high-performance pump for an inflatable boat is a very useful device that greatly facilitates the inflation process.

Benefits of Purchasing Special Air Pump for an Inflatable Boat

We believe that using general purpose pumps for inflatable boats, including car or bicycle models, is impractical and sometimes dangerous for the integrity of the deck boat. There are a number of advantages to using equipment designed specifically for inflatable boats.

Specialized equipment, be it an electric pump for a boat or some other marine equipment, is characterized by increased productivity, while taking into account all safety requirements.

The power of the compressor for inflating inflatable boats is calculated taking into account the parameters of the product, the material of manufacture and design features. Car and, especially, bicycle pumps are not designed to pump such volumes of air as required, for example, by a transom RIB. Therefore, it will take a very long time to completely fill a PVC boat with air. In most cases, an adapter may be required to inflate the boat with a car compressor or bicycle pump.

In addition, each type of air pumps for inflatable boats has its own advantages, allowing it to meet the requirements of owners of both a small fishing boat and a rescue multi-person RIB.

Kinds And Characteristics of Air Pumps for Inflatable Boats

Classification of air pumps for inflatable boats is carried out in several categories, the main of which are: by type of pressure and by type of drive.

PVC boat pumps are divided into two categories based on the type of pressure they provide: models that can create low pressure, as well as medium and high pressure.

Low Pressure Type

Such models provide relatively fast air pumping, but this pressure is maintained for a relatively short time, and it is not enough to bring the boat into operational condition. Most often, for pumping it is necessary to use a foot pump.

Medium and High Pressure Types

Models that pump medium and high pressure are capable of inflating the boat as quickly as possible. They do not require additional devices for paging. Another significant advantage is the complete autonomy of the process without human intervention. Just connect the device to a power outlet and turn on the button.

Based on the type of drive, pumps are divided into manual, foot and electric. The latter are capable of providing high pressure in the shortest possible time. Almost all manufacturers of inflatable boats equip their models with the simplest frog pump. But to pump up a boat with such a device, you will have to make a lot of effort and spend a lot of time. This is why many fishermen prefer to initially purchase a more productive model.

Foot and Hand Pumps

Everything is relatively simple here. If the foot pumping method is the most preferable for you, then all you have to do is choose a model that matches the characteristics of your existing boat:

  • for a boat not exceeding three meters in length - chamber volume of 5 liters, pressure 300 mbar;
  • for a boat with a length of three to four meters - chamber volume up to 6.5 liters, pressure up to 400 mbar;
  • for a boat over four meters long, the permissible chamber volume is 6.5 liters and the pressure is 500 mbar.

Hand pumps for inflatable boats are usually distinguished by only two main parameters.

For short boats (up to 4 meters), double-acting pump with a cylinder volume of 1.5 liters typically has the pressure of 500 mbar and the cylinder length of 410 mm. For all other boats with a length of more than 4 meters, the pressure would be 600 mbar, the cylinder has a length of 510 mm.

The convenience of using hand and foot pumps for inflating a boat is rather questionable, but they do not require power supply, and they can be used in any, even the most remote places. In addition, they are lightweight and compact.

Electric Pumps

An electric pump for a boat is the most convenient and functional solution. To use it, you only need a power source. There may be two options here.

Battery pump. As the name suggests, the model can be powered by a portable battery. Very convenient to use because there is no connection to an outlet. The boat can be inflated in close proximity to the water. Most often it comes with a 12 volt battery.

Network. Mains powered boat compressor. It is capable of delivering high power. Unfortunately, despite the advantages, it is not suitable for every user, since not everyone has the opportunity to move an inflated boat to the river. But if this is a boat on a yacht, this is a great option, especially if the yacht is equipped with solar panels.

Electric pumps are also divided according to their operating principle into centrifugal and piston. The first of them provide a pressure level of up to 200 mbar, and models with a piston operating principle - up to 800 mbar.

Tips for Choosing an Electric Pump

There are a few simple rules, following which you can purchase a model that is ideal for your existing inflatable boat.

It is necessary to choose models with the highest degree of housing protection. This is very important if the device will be used in extreme conditions.

When choosing a pump, you should focus on its power, weight and compactness, additional functions and, of course, cost. First of all, the power of the pump is important: not even every electric pump can bring a boat (or even more so a SUP board) to the required pressure. Some models require additional pumping of the boat with a hand pump. Plus, the more powerful the pump, the faster it can inflate the boat.

The pump may have additional capabilities:

  • boat deflation;
  • timer for automatic pump shutdown;
  • built-in battery;
  • built-in flashlight for night work, etc.

Of course, it is better to choose a model that provides not only pumping, but also unloading of the boat. In the evening, when you are almost exhausted when returning from fishing, the boat will need to be deflated and prepared for transportation. A pump with a download function will easily cope with this.

You should not buy no-name models that don’t even have the manufacturer’s name on them. It is best to give preference to well-known brands that have proven themselves in the market.

It is important that the diaphragm pump has predominantly metal elements - this will significantly extend its service life.

A significant advantage will be the presence of a pressure sensor in the pump, as well as a regulator.

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