Sale of Ice Maker for Yacht

Look for marine ice makers? Good news - in this section of the marketplace, topRik experts have selected ice makers for yachts from the world's best marine refrigeration equipment manufacturers. Select a model of the required size and configuration from Isotherm, Webasto Marine, Raritan Engineering Company or other known companies.

If you find it difficult to choose equipment for making ice on a boat, contact our experienced experts right now. They will give detailed advice free of charge through the website feedback form, by phone (the number is indicated on the page) or respond to your request by e-mail, which can be sent to [email protected].

Ice makers are a type of refrigeration equipment that produces and also stores produced ice. By using a built-in water reservoir or automatic water supply, marine ice makers can quickly produce the required number of ice cubes, flakes, pellets or other forms of ice of a given size and shape for various purposes.

This short review will of course bypass the powerful ice makers for fishing seiners and floating fish factories, but for fishing enthusiasts portable ice maker is also useful for keeping your catch fresh. And if the owner of a yacht or charter company likes to organize parties and receptions on board, ice maker is also indispensable. Ice of different shapes will help preserve drinks, ice cream and fruits already on the table. Equipment that produces ice is equally in demand on a mass-produced yacht, especially if used for charter services, as on a superyacht . The only difference is the size, ice type makers, as well as their number on board and the form of ice produced.

Types of Ice Makers

Ice making machines are divided into different types depending on:

  • method of water supply;
  • productivity;
  • drive;
  • size;
  • the shape of the resulting ice;
  • type of cooling unit, etc.

When choosing the type of ice maker for each individual yacht, you should take into account all the features, differences and advantages of each type of ice-producing equipment.

Difference of Ice Makers by Cooling Type

The condenser is an integral part of any refrigeration system. It is involved in removing heat from the refrigerant to ensure continuous cooling. Ice makers have three different types of condensers: water-cooled, air-cooled and remote-cooled. The choice of condenser depends on the sailing region and the required ice maker capacity.

Remote capacitors are ideal for large fishing vessels and passenger liners, superyachts, so we will not dwell on them in detail.

Air-cooled ice makers circulate air over the condenser to remove heat from the refrigerant lines. The air is moved by fans.

Such units are much easier to install. They are usually cheaper than devices with water and remote cooling. In addition, this type of equipment uses water sparingly, which is important for any vessel.

However, its installation requires free space around the ice maker so that air can easily pass through. Air filters and fans need to be cleaned and replaced regularly to keep the unit moving air freely. The cooling fan may be noisy during use, and the exhaust air may raise the temperature in the room where the ice maker is installed.

Water-cooled ice makers have two separate water lines. One of them supplies water to the ice making compartment, the other passes through the condenser to remove heat from the refrigerant.

This device is not affected by ambient temperature. They also use less electricity than air-cooled ice makers. The capacitors of these devices are not equipped with fans, due to which they do not produce much noise.

Water-cooled ice making equipment is ideal for regions with hot, humid climates. But such devices use significantly more water than air-cooled models to make the same portion of ice.

That is, it is better to install such units when it is possible to prepare ice from sea water, for example, to cool the catch, etc. Then water can be supplied directly from overboard, rather than using fresh supplies.

Pluggable and Fillable

Based on the previous category, we can distinguish the next one - according to the type of access to water, ice generators are divided into:

  • connected to the yacht's water supply system;
  • fillers, when water is poured into a tank - this type of device is characterized by low productivity.

Automatic and Manual

Based on the method of water supply, ice making equipment is divided into manual and automatic ice makers.

Stationary, Built-in and Portable Ice Makers

Stationary models are installed on the deck, built-in models are installed in a niche or furniture cabinet in the kitchen, saloon or cabin, portable models can be supplemented with handles and carried around the yacht.

Portable models have an autonomous power supply system; stationary and built-in models are connected to the yacht’s power supply system.

Screw and Drum Types

Ice makers are divided into these types depending on the method of producing the final product and its shape.

Screw models are used for the production of granular and cube ice, and drum models are used for the production of flake ice.

The principle of the generator operation depends specifically on the method of ice production. In a drum generator, water is supplied to a collector. As it passes through the nozzles, it is sprayed onto a rotating drum, which is cooled by refrigerant. A crust of ice forms on its surface and is subsequently cut off with a knife.

When the screw ice maker operates, water enters the inside of the cylindrical evaporator. It is cooled by the refrigerant, and ice forms on the inner wall of the cylinder. Using an auger, it is scraped off, repressed, pricked and then thrown out.

According to the Shape of the Final Product

In the previous section, we found out what determines the shape of the ice produced and clarified that it depends on the principle of operation of the generator. Is there any difference in what form the produced ice pieces are given? It turns out that it is quite significant in some cases.

Full size ice cube has a side of 22 mm. Its advantages and differences from other forms of ready-made ice:

  • melts slowly;
  • has a large surface area;
  • drinks can be cooled quickly and kept chilled for a long time.

Ice cubes also add an attractive appearance to drinks such as Scotch or Canadian whiskey, cocktails, etc.

Half-size ice cubes are ideal for salad bars, cocktails, ice bags, floor (hotel) ice dispensers. Dimensions are 11×22×22 mm.

Thanks to their unique shape, half-size cube ice fits more compactly into glasses and releases more liquid. This makes sense if guests on a yacht or liner purchase drinks at their own expense. This form of ice also perfectly cools drinks. Half-size cubes dissolve much faster than its full-size counterpart, making it an ideal choice for chilled coffee drinks and smoothies. It is also ideal for mixed drinks, iced coffee, soft drinks, therapeutic purposes in relieving bruise pain and marks.

Flake ice resembles small frozen slivers that are ideal for plating dishes. It compacts easily and effectively cools food placed on it, from seafood to salad bar appetizers.

Flake ice cools food more evenly. It is mostly soft, so it does not damage products. Flake ice increases the visual appeal of products placed on tables while maintaining their temperature within a safe level. It’s ideal for mixed cocktails, ice packs/therapeutic purposes, meat/seafood display, fruit and vegetable display in salad bars. Its softness makes it an excellent option for cooling live caught fish.

Granulated ice is also called chew, crushed or grain ice. Granulated ice is a favorite type of ice for parties and receptions because it is soft and chewable.

It dissolves easily and chills drinks, making it an ideal choice for mixed cocktails and smoothies . Granulated ice also helps preserve the flavor and color of the drink.

The above forms of ice are the most common. But besides these, there are also several unusual types of ice that are produced by stationary ice generators on large liners and superyachts.

These are crescent-shaped ice, cylinder-shaped delicacy ice, octagonal ice, which has the same function as full-size cube ice. The octagonal shape is simply a way to wow your reception attendees.

Ice Storage and Distribution

Ice makers also use different methods for storing and dispensing ice. Understanding these options is important to ensure a smooth ice processing process. Let's look at the different types of ice storage and delivery methods commonly found in ice makers.

  • Ice storage containers are can hold a variety of ice types, including solid or cubed ice, and are easily accessible for ice removal. These containers require periodic refilling with water to maintain a constant supply of ice.
  • Ice dispensers are devices that provide convenient access to ice in a self-service environment. They come in a variety of configurations, such as tabletop or free-standing models. Ice dispensers typically use an ice tray mechanism to dispense the desired amount of ice, allowing for ease of use and minimizing ice waste.
  • Water-cooled ice makers with built-in storage. Some ice makers come with built-in ice storage, eliminating the need for separate ice containers. These devices can produce and store ice using a water cooling system to maintain optimal ice production and quality.

How Choose an Ice Maker for Your Yacht

First, determine why do you need an ice maker at all. Ice is usually added to soft drinks and alcoholic drinks. In addition, ice can be used in salad bars and for displaying food or chilled wine/beer in bottles, and do not forget the therapeutic effect of cold. On a fishing yacht, ice can be used to preserve the catch.

Determine what size ice maker is best for you specifically - it is important to choose an ice maker that will produce enough ice for everyday use while still being able to fit comfortably on your boat. It should not be in a humid area, although all marine ice makers presented in the topRik marketplace are made of water-resistant materials (marine plastic and anodized metals) and are hermetically sealed.

The type of condenser makes a huge difference when purchasing an ice maker. An air-cooled condenser will reduce your water costs, while a water-cooled condenser can reduce noise and is more suitable for hot climates.

Determine what additional ice maker accessories you may need. For example, an ice bin or dispenser to store and retrieve ice as needed. You will definitely need a custom ice scoop if one is not included, a water filter, and other accessories that will allow your ice maker to operate at full capacity.
