Floating Anchors for Sale

Sale of Floating Anchors

Floating anchor (also called drogue anchor) allows you to hold a small vessel, inflatable boat, or sailing yacht in the correct position when drifting or docking.

The sea anchor has the shape of a truncated cone and is made of waterproof textile (tarpaulin or canvas) with a supporting frame. To strengthen the structure, a metal hoop is sewn into its base.

Features, Benefits and Design of Floating Anchors

The main function of a drogue is to hold the craft in one position under adverse conditions such as waves, wind and fast currents. The use of an ordinary anchor in such situations is complicated by the fact that it makes a light vessel unstable. The boat begins to twist and toss on the waves, as a result of which it can flip.

One of the advantages of a floating anchor is that it can be cast at considerable depths, where an ordinary anchor does not reach the bottom. In addition, this device is indispensable in emergency cases, when the craft is unable to continue moving due to an accident, but it must not deviate from the given course and must drift until rescuers arrive. A floating anchor can only be used on small vessels, including yachts; on large vessels its use is ineffective.

This device resembles a net without a tip, but instead of a handle it has 4 or more lines. A rope is attached to the base of the drogue to be pulled out of the water.

It is lowered into the water from the bow of the vessel, is positioned with its base towards the boat, and is held in place by a rope. When water fills the dome, it expands and turns the vessel with its bow in the direction of the wind, holding it in place. As a result, the drift decreases, the boat does not turn sideways to the waves and holds a fairly stable position.

At the top of the anchor there is a fire (a loop on the cable), to which a plant guy rope is attached to remove the anchor. The anchor must have a buoy with a float, which determines the location of the anchor and can be found at shallow depths if you lose it. A buoy is necessary for lowering and raising a sea anchor and for monitoring its position.

The picture below explains why this device is also called a sea parachute.

Sale of Floating Anchors

You can also make a floating anchor yourself. The ratio of length to width of such an anchor should be 1:2.25.

The open hole of a drogue can be quadrangular, triangular or any other shape.

Fishermen adapted floating anchors for their needs - they use it as a brake when fishing by trolling if a sailing yacht or inflatable boat is drifting too fast.

If your ship's liferaft and lifeboat are not equipped with a drogue, correct this deficiency. In this case, floating anchor is designed to stabilize a raft or boat in the open sea, as well as to reduce the speed of drift. For example, if you need to stay near the place of the sinking vessel to wait for rescuers.

The sea anchor is secured externally with a life line. It is necessary to adjust the length of the anchor line according to the length of the wave: the length of the line should be equal to half the length of the wave so that the anchor is at the bottom of the wave when the raft is at the top of the wave. The stabilizing and anti-drift properties of an anchor are lost if the anchor and raft are at the top of a wave at the same time. To select an anchor, you should pull it by the line so that the “parachute” unfolds and the water resistance is significantly reduced.

Types of Floating Anchors

Floating anchors, depending on their shape and purpose, are divided into the following types:

  • cone-shaped - has the shape of a truncated cone; to strengthen the base, a metal hoop is sewn along the edge;
  • pyramidal - has the appearance of a truncated pyramid, the base is reinforced with a metal or wooden cross;
  • parachute - made in the form of a dome, according to the principle of a parachute;
  • storm drogue - has a rail to which a triangular panel is attached, an iron anchor is attached to its lower edge for weighting, a sling is attached to the end of each corner, and the remaining 3 slings are attached to the main rope;
  • Jordan's drogue is a type of storm anchor, consisting of several cone-shaped floating anchors on one rope; during a storm it is more effective than a single one.

The difference between these types lies not only in shape, size and purpose. Some of them are lowered from the bow of the ship, and some from the stern, for example, Jordan's serial drogs and some types of storm sea anchors.

How to Choose a Floating Anchor for Your Yacht or Boat

Marketplace topRik presents many drogues in stock. Please note that each model is accompanied by a description containing the following data: size of the anchor, what boat it is suitable for, material it is made of.

For example, here’s nylon coated PVC floating anchor, 700x700mm, length 1800mm, suitable for boats less than 9 meters.

PVC floating anchor

This model is also available in a version for boats less than 11 meters in length, with corresponding changes in size.

Dimensions Length Boat Length
700x700 mm 1801 mm < 9 MT
900x900 mm 2051 mm < 11 MT

Floating anchor made of PVC with nylon coating, Ø 330 mm, length 1350 mm, designed for boats less than 5 meters:

Floating anchor made of PVC with nylon coating

This model is also available on the topRik marketplace in 2 more sizes – also for yachts up to 7 and 8 meters long.

Diameter Length Boat Length
330 mm 1350 mm < 5 MT
450 mm 1500 mm < 7 MT
600 mm 1700 mm < 8 MT

This drogue model is designed specifically for rescue boats. The floating anchor is made from double coated PVC fabric and comes complete with cables. Model approved by RINA.

Diameter Length Boat Length
560 mm 1801 mm < 5,5 MT

topRik marketplace is constantly expanding the range of products it offers - keep an eye on this section for changes.

If you have questions related to choosing a floating anchor for your boat, contact our experienced yachtsmen - topRik experts. All consultations are free, you don’t even have to register on the website.

Floating Anchor - 900x2050mm
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BrandFNI Diameter, mm900
66.82  95.46  -30%
Floating Anchor - 700x1800mm
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BrandFNI Diameter, mm700
34.65  49.50  -30%
Floating Anchor - 450x1500mm
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18.93  27.04  -30%
Floating Anchor - 330x1350mm
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BrandFNI Diameter, mm330
21.00  30.00  -30%
Floating Anchor - 560x1800mm
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Veleria San Giorgio
BrandVeleria San Giorgio Diameter, mm560
182.85  261.21  -30%
Floating Anchor - 600x1700mm
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24.09  34.41  -30%