Sale of Hard Antifouling for Boat

Have you found that the bottom of your planing boat is quickly becoming overgrown with algae and barnacles? You need reliable antifouling agent specifically for a high-speed boat? You've come to exactly the right place. Here you can select and buy hard antifouling paint that exactly matches the speed of your boat. Pay attention to antifouling agent kits for propellers and transmissions - they also need antifouling protection.

If you have any questions, immediately ask the marketplace experts. These are experienced yachtsmen who also monitor the condition of our fleet in the marinas of Croatia and Montenegro. They have practical knowledge of anti-fouling products and will give you free and professional advice by phone or email ([email protected]).

By the end of the season, you might notice unpleasant changes in the yacht’s behavior:

  • speed drops significantly;
  • getting on plane becomes painfully long;
  • the monitoring tools are starting to show some astronomical fuel consumption numbers.

These are the signs that entire colonies of marine microorganisms have settled on the bottom and sides of your yacht: shells, algae, fungi, mold, etc. This plaque is so strong that at the end of the season you have to use a high-pressure washer, a rough brush and a scraper to clean the surface of the build-up. And every season the story repeats... But there is a way to avoid such annual efforts - using antifouling agents. These are special products that do not allow microflora and microfauna to settle on the bottom of your yacht due to the biocide, which is constantly renewed on the surface of the coating.

You should know that any modern antifouling paint includes the following main components:

  • polymer is a binding ingredient that creates a film that holds the entire composition on the bottom and hull of the yacht;
  • biocide is an active chemical substance that prevents the development of biological organisms on the surface of the bottom;
  • solvent - the degree of fluidity and drying speed of antifouling agent;
  • pigment - a coloring substance, the addition of which to the composition of antifouling agents determines its color.

Advantages of Hard Antifouling

Type of antifouling agents depends specifically on the polymer included in their composition. Since this section of the topRik marketplace presents hard antifouling agents, it should be noted that the polymer base of these compositions is not washed off with water, as is the case with self-polishing antifouling agents, but remains hard and stays on the boat hull until the end of navigation.

But how then does the active substance acting on microorganisms - the biocide - constantly appear on the surface through this layer? This type of polymer binder is somewhat permeable to biocide. Therefore, as it is washed away from the outer layer, it gradually moves from the inner layers and continues to counteract aquatic flora and fauna.

Quite a wide palette of hard antifouling agents determined another name for these compositions - hard antifouling paint, due to such an ingredient as pigment. In the topRik marketplace you can choose from the most popular shades among sailors.

A separate variety of hard antifouling paints are thin film antifouling agents, the polymer binder of which contains a significant portion of Teflon. This ensures greater fluidity of such compositions, which allows them to be applied in a very thin layer.

In addition, Teflon has a low coefficient of friction, which has a positive effect on the speed characteristics of the yacht. This also explains the impossibility of algae, mollusks and other microorganisms from gaining a foothold on the ship’s hull - they simply slide off the surface covered with Teflon film.

How to Use and Apply

For all their perfection hard antifouling agents also have a con - they should be periodically removed from the boat hull. Otherwise, during the annual application of a new coating, the bottom will take on an untidy appearance.

Therefore, before painting, the previous layer of antifouling should be removed mechanically.


What is hard antifouling paint and how it works

The coating of the boat hull that prevents fouling by microorganisms, forming a hard, indelible layer on the surface, is called hard antifouling paint. Action of hard antifouling paint is based on the constant penetration of the active chemical substance biocide into the very top layer of this coating. The biocide does not allow microorganisms to settle and multiply on the surface of the housing.

What types of boats is hard antifouling paintsuitable for?

Hard antifouling agents are designed specifically for high-speed, planing boats, since this hard coating is not washed away during movement by water, as happens with self-polishing antifouling agents.

How often should hard antifouling paint be applied?

With hard antifouling agents it is completely pointless to apply an excessive number of layers (more than 2-3), since the ability of biocides in their composition to migrate is still limited. If there are too many layers, these active chemicals will simply be locked in the lower layers and will not be able to resist the settlement of microorganisms on the body.

One application is enough until the end of the navigation season, but there is also a longer service life - this must be clarified in the instructions for each type of hard antifouling paint.
